26. Life Skills Curriculum

The Banks  School District Special Education Program is committed to supporting all students who meet the special education eligibility requirements of IDEA  in the least restrictive environment. To receive a free appropriate public it is sometimes necessary to provide  special education and related services, described in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in a more restrictive setting.  This may mean students receive educational services in a self-contained setting with a greater adult to student ratio, and with potentially fewer opportunities to learn alongside typically developing peers.  Placement in a self-contained setting is thoroughly considered by the IEP Team, including a child’s parents, and selected when all other placement considerations indicate the child’s needs would best be met in this more restrictive setting.  

Banks School District has two self-contained classrooms serving both elementary and secondary students.  The elementary Structured Learning Center is housed at Banks Elementary School.  The secondary  Life Learning Center is housed at Banks Middle School.  These classes serve students with a range of more profound disabilities who need more intensive, individualized instruction in both life skills and/or functional academics.  The classes provide for significant opportunities to manage sensory integration, communication, social and emotional development and coursework to ensure students develop the academic and life skills necessary to succeed.