1.  Special Programs and Related Services

Special Programs

Banks School District provides a range of services to meet student’s IEP goals.  Service and placement recommendations may range from inclusion support in general education classrooms, itinerant support through general education inclusion or small group pull-out, Resource Center support or placement in self-contained settings. Placement decisions are made through a team process, which includes at least, the parents, regular classroom teacher and Special Education service providers.

Each school in the Banks School District houses a Resource Center Program.  This program is staffed with certified special education teacher(s) who are Highly Qualified, and instructional assistants appropriate to the needs of each school.  This support program provides individualized instruction including pull-out services and inclusion support services at the Elementary School, and Specially Designed Resource Center classes and/or inclusion support services at the Junior High School and High School.

Staff work closely with classroom teachers to ensure students are meeting rigorous academic standards using a collaborative approach to meeting the unique needs of disabled students.

Students receiving support through the Resource Center Program have varying disabilities which may include; Autism, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disability, Other Health Impairment, Visual and/or Hearing Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, Emotional Disturbance and Communication Disorders.  These students receive a majority of their instruction within the regular classroom setting with the appropriate amount of specially designed instruction to ensure students make adequate academic gains.

Structured Learning Center (SLC): 

The Structured Learning Center is a self-contained classroom designed primarily to meet the needs of elementary aged students with significant cognitive, communication, and/or behavioral impairment.  Students receiving support through the SLC may be identified with any of the recognized special education eligibilities under IDEA, but perform in the severe to profound range of performance and require significant support through specially designed instruction, related services and adult assistance to gain educational benefit.

Placement in this program is determined by individual student needs.  Instructional techniques are tailored to the unique needs of the student using research based programming.  Students may require such instructional supports and strategies as Discrete Trial, Pivotal Response Training, Structured Teaching, Assistive, Applied Behavioral Analysis, Technology/Augmentative Communication support, Visual supports, Social Stories and other effective strategies to engage students in the learning process. The primary curriculum is the STAR program, however materials are selected based on the unique needs of each child. 

Life Skills (LS): 

The Secondary Life Skills is a specially designed program providing a variety of opportunities for students who demonstrate needs in communication, socialization, life skills, and transition services to work on objectives to increase independence, self-determination and success beyond school. Students receive specially designed instruction in functional reading and math skills, and have opportunities to learn basic life skills such as cooking, shopping, community access, and leisure skills.  Mainstreaming occurs as determined by the IEP team.

Transition Services: 

Transition services are initially required at age 16 for students who have a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP team may decide to initiate Transition services earlier if appropriate). At the student's IEP, a transition plan is developed and updated annually. The plan outlines what transition services to ensure students complete secondary education services prepared for college and/or career, and independent living.

Outside Placements

Students who have demonstrated significant emotional and behavioral difficulties preventing success in the school setting may be considered for outside placement settings. These settings are restrictive, and selected only when a student has been deemed to require services that are not available within the school district, and all available school based supports have been explored to ensure success in the school setting. Placement at one of the following sites may be considered based on the student’s specific needs:

Other options may also be considered depending on the unique needs of the student. These programs are provided through contract with Northwest Regional Education Service District and Forest Grove School District. 

Related Services  

The Banks School District provides a range of related services to meet the educational needs of disabled students.  

Related services are developmental, corrective and supportive services that are deemed necessary to allow the student to benefit from special education. Related services can be provided directly, by consultation or by contract provision from other agencies. The Banks School District is directly responsible for assuring that the services deemed necessary by the IEP Team are provided. 

The following Related Services may be provided based on a student’s unique needs:

The federal regulations include a list of related services that schools must provide to students who need them to receive a meaningful education. It is important to note, however, that this list is not exhaustive and does not include all of the services that Banks School District may provide. If the student requires a service, such as an interpreter, which is not on the list, it must still be provided by the school as long as the service is necessary for the student to be able to benefit from special education.

Examples of related services that may be provided:  (34 C.F.R. 300.24(b)):