Special Education Manual

Banks Special Education Department Mission Statement 

The Special Education Department supports the belief that all students can learn. By setting rigorous goals for academic, social, emotional and physical development, every child has the opportunity to identify and excel in their strengths and improve in their weaknesses.

Special Education services are designed to meet the unique learning needs of students identified with educational handicaps resulting from an identified disability defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004. Students identified for Special Education services typically cross the threshold of achievement at different time-lines than typically developing learners, work toward uniquely designed objectives, and require instructional strategies specifically designed for the unique needs of the individual learner.

The Banks School District holds the idea that providing an excellent education to all students requires active engagement of parents, the community and educators in meeting the unique needs of every learner. Knowing that all students do not learn in the same manner, services exist to support state and federal mandates to provide a Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).