
The New York State Pre-Kindergarten Learning Standards are organized by the following key domains of learning:

Domain 1: Approaches to Learning

How children become involved in learning and acquiring knowledge.

Domain 2: Physical Development and Health

Children’s physical health and ability to engage in daily activities, both outdoors and inside.

Domain 3: Social and Emotional Learning

The emotional competence and ability to form positive relationships that give meaning to children’s experiences in the home, school, and larger community.

Domain 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy Part A and Part B

How children understand, create, and communicate meaning.

Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Arts)

What children need to know and understand about their world and how they apply what they know.

Click on the boxes below for more detail about the

Domains of Learning for Pre-Kindergarten students: