Kindergarten Music

Three Village District Essentials

Creating Music

  • Explore and experience music concepts

  • Generate and organize musical ideas

  • Demonstrate and select favorite musical ideas

  • State personal interest in varied musical selections

Performing Music

  • Explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts

  • Demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities of music

  • Respond appropriately to aural and visual cues

  • Perform music with expression

Connecting to Music

  • Explore and imitate sounds found in the environment

  • Imagine and describe places, times, and reasons for making and listening to music

  • Illustrate musical ideas through movement

  • Manipulate music concepts in order to express ideas

Responding to Music

  • List personal interests and experiences with music

  • Demonstrate why they prefer some musical selections over others

  • Demonstrate how a specific music concept is used in music

  • Apply personal personal and expressive preferences in the evolution of music