Kindergarten Social Studies

Three Village District Essentials

Individual Development and Cultural Identity

  • Children’s sense of self is shaped by experiences that are unique to them and their families, and by common experiences shared by a community or nation.

  • Children, families, and communities exhibit cultural similarities and differences.

  • Symbols and traditions help develop a shared culture and identity within the United States.

Geography, Humans, and the Environment

  • Maps and globes are representations of Earth’s surface that are used to locate and better understand places and regions.

  • People and communities are affected by and adapt to their physical environment.

Time, Continuity, and Change

  • The past, present and future describe points in time and help us examine and understand events.

Economic Systems

  • People have economic needs and wants.

  • Goods and services can satisfy people’s wants.

  • Scarcity is the condition of not being able to have all of the goods and services that a person wants or needs.

Civic Ideals and Practices

  • Children and adults have rights and responsibilities at home, at school, in the classroom, and in the community.

  • Rules affect children and adults, and people make and change rules for many reasons.