5th Grade Music

Three Village District Essentials


  • Generate rhythmic and melodic ideas, and describe connection to a specific purpose and context

  • Generate musical ideas within tonalities

  • Demonstrate selected and organized musical ideas for a simple arrangement or composition

  • Combine, sequence, and document musical ideas

  • Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to music, applying teacher provided and collaboratively selected criteria and feedback


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of music

  • Read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns

  • Demonstrate and identify the context and how intent is conveyed through interpretive qualities

  • Apply established or collaboratively selected criteria to evaluate accuracy of performance

  • Respond appropriately to aural and visual cues

  • Perform music with expression and technical accuracy

  • Perform appropriately for the audience, venue, and context, and genre


  • Demonstrate and describe how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences, or purposes

  • Demonstrate and describe how responses to music are informed by the use of elements of music and by context

  • Apply established criteria to evaluate musical works and performances, describing appropriateness of context


  • Create musical ostinati and/or sounds to accompany or portray events, a story to illustrate an abstract idea

  • Describe places, times, and reasons for making and listening to music

  • Perform folk dances from a variety of time periods and/or cultures

  • Manipulate music concepts in order to express ideas