Fall 2022

August 16th-December 15th

fright fest 2022

The High Achievers took on Fright Fest 2022 in ATL. We had a great time celebrating Fall Break and gaining new students to the program!

September Staff Highlights!

The Program staff are kicking the sememster off with learning! Director Sequena Stanton and Program Coordinator Caroline Cates attended the ASYD conference to better learn to serve our youth and grow the program!

This was Caroline's first conference! Your student is going to LOVE the new ideas Caroline will bring this Fall!


Caroline visited BHS and GCEC to recruit new students for the year!

Fall Academic Support Highlights!

Rev. Fraley came to speak to the HAP students about the importance of voting on Nov. 8th!

Fall Mental Health Highlights!

POsitive Action Curriculum

Our students are learning to grow better self-concepts to enrich their own lives. Positive Action is a curriculum used to help guide students to lead a more positive life. Throughout the material, students will come to see that although we can't always control the situation we can control our own behavior and emotions. Having a strong self-concept allows students to feel in charge of their lives and do better overall.

Fall Physical Health Highlights!

What's coming up?

  • Holiday Meal

  • Visit the Parent Page!