Grades K-2 1/4/2021

Happy New Year!!!

Beginning a new year is a great way to start and maintain healthy habits. This year I am asking you to start a new healthy habit of exercising more than we usually do. A fun way to start this New Years Challenge is by doing some type of activity everyday.

For each day of the year, we will try to incorporate exercise as much as possible.

Pick at least one activity from the list below for todays activity and each day for the new year:

  1. Perform as many push ups as possible in one try every day/ If you cannot do a full push up try to do a modified push up (level 1 and 2 in the video). This will strengthen the muscles needed to complete a full push up. (Video Below:"How to do push ups")

  2. Perform 50-100 squats every day (Video Below)

  3. Perform 20-50 push ups through out the day (you can do 1 at a time if thats all you can do)

  4. Any activity that is at least 25-30 minutes long without taking extended breaks. (Extended breaks are more than 2 minutes)

*Each day that you do one of the activities write down on a calendar or in a notebook what activity you did that day and how many you did. I will be looking forwared to seeing your results!!!