Chief of Staff

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Daniel - Chief of Staff

Lizzie is a senior at Thomas Stone High School. She previously served as class historian and secretary and is currently serving her second term as the vice president of Thomas Stone’s Student Government Association. Outside of the advisory council she plays field hockey, participates in theater, and is the president of Thomas Stone’s chapter of the National German Honor Society.

Lizzie looks forward to working with the rest of the staff to ensure a productive year. Serving as a resource to the other staffers is one of her goals for the year. She is excited to have a voice in the Charles County Public School System as well as amplifying and representing the voices of her fellow students. After high school she plans on attending a four year university to study Mathematics.

Lizzie's Contact Info: Email: lizziedaniel3@gmail.comTwitter: @lizziedaniel_Instagram: @lizziedaniel_