Meet DeJuan!

DeJuan Woods Jr. - Student Member of the Charles County Board of Education

DeJuan Woods Jr. is a senior at Thomas Stone High School. Mr. Woods has been a staunch advocate for education and the promotion of the student voice, earning his start in middle school.

Prior to serving on the Board of Education, Mr. Woods has served in numerous leadership positions through the school, county, and state levels of Student Government, his outgoing role being President of Stone’s Student Government Association (SGA). He has previously served as a Regional Officer for the Charles County Association of Student Councils (CCASC) and a State Service Coordinator for the Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC).

Mr. Woods became interested in educational policy and decision making on a local level largely due to his AP Language and Composition teacher, Mrs. Niyati Green. Her course involved a 9 week unit on the foundation and inner workings of the education system. His previous experience of engaging with student leaders around the county and discussing problems and concerns within their schools helped to motivate him to run in the 2019 Student Member of the Board of Education (SMOB) election.

Mr. Woods is an active member in his school and community life, serving as the current President of Stone’s International Thespian Society chapter (ITS) and two-term President of Stone’s National Honor Society chapter (NHS). Mr. Woods is also the Student Workshop Coordinator for the Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC), and utilizes his free time to engage in activities such as managing the girls’ varsity field hockey and lacrosse teams, and singing in his school’s premier a capella group.

Mr. Woods plans to attend a four-year university after graduation and major in Vocal Music Education with a minor in either Theatre Arts or Vocal Performance.