2002 reunion and research project

2002 Brough Research Project and Reunion in England

Between July 31 and August 15, 2002, representatives of the Brough Family Organization participated in a Brough research project and reunion in Staffordshire, England.

BFO officers and members who directed this Brough research project and reunion included: Stanley M. and Ann Brough Hind (of Yorkshire, England), James H. and Rosemary Brough (of Staffordshire, England), R. Clayton and Ethel M. Brough (of Utah, USA), Adam C. Brough (of Utah, USA), and Nathan A. Meacham (of Sussex, England), Information that was gathered and pictures which were taken during this Brough research project and reunion were later included in BFO publications and a feature video.

The following pictures show a few of the historical sites that were visited in Staffordshire and some of the people who participated in this Brough research project and reunion.