Bci background check ohio locations

Bci background check ohio locations

Background checks details can help you appraise if someone would be safe and trustworthy, or whether a new neighbor or person we're using the services of has a history of violence or crime of which you ought to be cautious. Learn more about how you can work with a background check, along with what you can learn relating to your own record check.

Whether it be a matter of executing the background check on the web or finding a legit company which will deliver legitimate results, analysis is an important phase of obtaining the most effective record check. Do the lookup with the help of best data sources accessible on the internet these days.

Prior to a methods placement, students are required to provide BCI & FBI background checks to the Office of Field Services (JH 187). Since background checks for first licenses are only valid for one year, obtaining a field placement background check too early may result in having to obtain an additional background check when applying for one's license.


Fingerprint “inked” cards are given to customer directly so they can submit. BCI & FBI background checks are submitted electronically to each agency and they state checks will be processed within 30-days, however we typically see results processed faster.


Student teachers and field experience students are responsible for having background checks completed prior to going into the schools to work with children/students. Reports are required from both the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI) as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The results must be sent to the OWU Education Department. Student teachers must have their results sent to the Ohio Department of Education as well.


The University of Toledo Police Department (UTPD) offers a fingerprinting service for students, faculty and staff needing background checks. We offer Ohio BCI&I and FBI electronically through the National Webcheck program. The cost of fingerprinting is: Ohio BCI&I only: $35 / FBI only: $40 / Both BCI&I and FBI: $60.


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