Bca background check

Bca background check

Record check details can assist you to evaluate whether someone is safe as well as reliable, or whether a new neighbor or individual we are doing business with has a record of violence or criminal activity of which you'll want to be leery. Find out more about ways to work with a background check, as well as what you can learn concerning your own background check.

Whether it be dependent on carrying out the background check online or finding a legitimate company that can supply precise results, analysis is a crucial phase of getting the very best record check. Conduct your lookup by using prime records sources available online in today's times.

BCA staff performs statutorily-required and discretionary criminal history background checks. The Minnesota Criminal History System (CHS) and, when authorized, the FBI's records are searched. Different types of background checks require different types of forms (see below) and different fees.


You may request a printed copy of your own criminal history record by writing or visiting the BCA office. You will receive both public and private data. Written requests must include: full name with correct spelling, date of birth, and any other names used, including maiden and former married names. Your request must be signed, dated, and your signature notarized by a notary public. If your request is for immigration purposes or for use outside of the United States, please indicate that in your request. Enclose a personal check, money order, cashier’s check, certified or business check, for $8.00 made payable to the BCA. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Response time for mail requests is approximately two weeks. Our mailing address is:


The Criminal History System (CHS) is the state central repository for data on persons arrested for felony, gross misdemeanor and some misdemeanor offenses. It is used by the criminal justice community for decisions regarding investigations, arrests, bail/bond, criminal charges, plea bargains, convictions, probation, and placement in correctional facilities. It is also used during mandated background checks on individuals seeking employment or licensing for various positions. CHS also contains valuable information for researchers.


This website is a free service offered by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). Public criminal history record search is required by Minnesota Statutes §13.87, Subd. 1(c). The Methamphetamine Offender Registry (MOR) search is required by Executive Orders 06-09 and 11-08.


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