Drawing Instructions

School Drawing Books will be used on Thursdays and Fridays

Thursdays: Your child may draw what they wish. Encourage them to fill the page with color. This picture may be used for attendance for the day if your child has not been able to attend the 8:45 Zoom meeting. Some Thursdays children will be drawing in their Birthday Drawing Books, this may be a second drawing for the day or the only one if the child only wants to do one drawing.

Fridays: Your child may draw during the telling of the story. Let them know they can draw something from the story but they can draw something else if they like. It is always interesting to see what the child chooses.

*Please keep your child to one page in the Drawing Book for each day. If your child wants to continue a picture that was started earlier, that is fine. We would often let them do this in the classroom. If children want to draw beyond this one page, please have them use the plain white paper in their boxes.

Drawing in Drawing Books and Birthday books is a special activity. Please create a rhythm that allows for this school drawing time as well as free drawing time that can be done during other times of the day.

Birthday Book Drawings

  • When drawing birthday drawings,on the backside of the page write:

To: (The birthday child's name

From: (Your child's name)

Instructions for Care Givers

When your child is done drawing ask them to "tell you about" their drawing. This is a bit more open ended than, "What have you drawn?" I often find a drawing has a whole experience attached to it and your child may be more expressive with open ended questions. Try to make your comments observational rather than statements such as "good job." Stating things like, "I see a big yellow spot here, can you tell me about that?" said with true intrest and enthusiasum can create a deep state of satisfaction for the child.

After your child has described the picture, ask them if you can write what they told you on it. If they say no, you can use another piece of paper and then transcribe it for the Google Classroom assignment.

Drawing Supplies:

Drawing Book - This book is larger than the ones we have had in the past. This will give the children an opportunity to use fuller arm movements when drawing.

Crayon Pouches - Please take note of the crayon order and help your child put the crayons back in this order with gentle guidance. The crayons given to the children are block crayons which allow for great swaths of color to be put on the page. In the begining of the year I recomend covering the page with light yellow. This will help your child become comfotable using the crayons and soften the brightness of the page.