Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding provided to schools to narrow the gap of attainment for some pupils. These children are from low income families who are currently known to be or have been eligible for free school meals in the last six years. It also supports children who have been 'looked after' continuously for more than six months or who have been adopted from care.

Gislingham Primary is fully committed to supporting pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support. At Gislingham, our purpose in using pupil premium funding is to ensure that all the unique needs of our pupils are met and our children thrive and achieve the same high academic success and have access to all our enrichment activities. Our main focus is to improve the quality of teaching for all children, no matter their background, and to provide quality teaching for individuals and groups as required.   We aim that all children in our care should grow in confidence, self-esteem and achieve their very best.  


At Gislingham we have adopted a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending which allows the school to focus on a series of targeted strategies which will have the greatest impact.  These are: