Useful support resources and websites

A good, general guide to school assessment , curriculum and key stages. Information linked to numeracy and testing is on Pages 13-15 & Page 23.

We subscribe to this website as a school. All students have individual logins and maths teachers can assign homework and monitor each student’s usage. The site provides online, interactive lessons with games and “online homeworks” that provide instant feedback. It covers the vast majority of the mathematics curriculum. These tasks can also be repeated to improve scores with the questions changing each time. Your child should see their mathematics teacher for their log in.

A site devoted to enriching mathematics. It includes something for everyone. It has an emphasis on problem solving and links with all areas of the curriculum, with different challenge levels for students in Foundation Phase right through to Key Stage 5. It features monthly problems that students can submit their solutions to and these solutions can be published to the site.

This website contains wealth of instructional videos from a secondary mathematics teacher for many topics in the mathematics curriculum from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5.

A website that explains mathematics in a simple way and provides printable worksheets

Huge coverage of the Key Stage 3 mathematics curriculum that provides students with opportunities to revise, try an activity and then test themselves.

Aimed more at GCSE level so would be more appropriate for Year 9 but contains worksheets with video tutorials.

This website has been developed by a secondary school maths teacher and provides resources and support videos for students in KS3, KS4 and KS5.

Gaming sites

These provide online maths games for students to play either on their own or against other students around the world. They provide a fantastic opportunity for learners to have lots of repeated practice whilst having fun. Some require an individual login.

Websites developed to support parents and carers:

This site offers maths support videos and resources to support KS3, KS4 and KS5. It operates a good search facility for students to locate resources to support a particular skill.

A good site offering advice to parents on how to develop numeracy skills at home. Resources start off at a pre-school level but also cover secondary school level.

A new site set up to support changes to their National Curriculum in England. Its resources are constantly being updated and provide helpful tips as well as links to new web sites and resources.‐education/

This site provides a guide for parents to work on financial literacy with their teenagers, educating them about making the most of their money in the modern world.

A great resource set up by a maths teacher to support parents by showing how numeracy is applied in our everyday life.

Provides a whole bank of powerpoint presentation resources developing numeracy skills and understanding.