Various Movies

Detergent ship

One of the simplest type of self-propelled object driven by Marangoni flow. Here, conventional kitchen detergent is put on the tail of paper boat. When the boat is put on the water surface, the boat moves spontaneously. This is due to the Marangoni flow that is induced by the decreased water surface tension. Unfortunately, the detergent covers the water surface completely, and the boat stops soon. This is striking difference from the motion of oil droplet where the corresponding glass surface recovers.

Benard convection

Probably most famous example of dissipative structure. You will find the same kind of pattern if you prepare Miso-soup without ingredients (not so tasty). In the movie, the dish with silicone oil with aluminium powder is heated at the bottom. As hotter oil is lighter, the oil starts to move up from the bottom, and generates convective rolls, when the temperature difference between the cooler top surface and the hotter bottom plate is large enough. Eventually, you will find the convective rolls forms regular lattice structure.