
Gohaku-Kai is the abbreviation for the Okinawa Goju-ryu Tomari-te Karatedo Kyokai. It is a system of Karate created by Tokashiki Iken. Tokashiki studied under two primary teachers: Nakasone Seiyu (1890–1980, Tomari-te) and Fukuchi Seiko (1919–1975, Goju-Ryu), and as the successor to each tradition merged the two schools upon the passing of his teachers. The honbu dojo is located in the Oroku district of Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Branch dojo are located in Kyushu, Kanto, and Tokai regions of Japan, as well as several overseas branches in Canada, and one in India. New students are initially taught Goju-Ryu, and Tomari-te is taught at a later stage.

One of Tokashiki's top students, Kinjo Yoshitaka, has been teaching in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for over 35 years. Kinjo sensei is well respected for his community service, and for his ability to help people with various physical disabilities and medical conditions to improve their physical condition, and thus their lives, by practicing a karate program modified to fit the students' needs.
