Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (aka Underworld 3) (2009)

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (aka Underworld 3) (2009)


This is the third episode in the vampire vs. werewolf series. This film goes back in time to explain the backstory of the rivalry between the two groups. This was explained in "Underworld 2", but gets much more substance here. Very good for an 'origin' movie. I place it as my second favorite in the series after the original.

This was written by Danny McBride of the first two "Underworlds", directed by a fairly new director, Patrick Tatopoulos, and sports most of the cast returning. Lucian is again played by Michael Sheen, Viktor is played by Billy Nighy ("Pirates of the Caribbean" 2 & 3, "Shuan of the Dead", "Hot Fuzz"), and Tanis is played by Steven Mackintosh. Kate Beckinsale is sort of replaced by Rhona Mitra ("Beowulf", "Number 23") by playing a new character, Viktor's daughter Sonja. She has the body and leather clothing but no guns. Guns are better than swords.

Viktor, an elder vampire, grooms Lucian, the first 'civilized' Lycan to be a slave. Viktor thinks that really unstable were-creatures would make good daytime guards. Anyone see some flaws in that plan? Lucian and Sonja develop a crush.

Meanwhile, Viktor is getting frisky with the humans, and to protect his harem he want to keep the wild werewolves away. The human folk meet with Viktor to negotiate terms, wild werewolves attack, and Lucian takes off his collar, changes into a wolf, and saves Sonja in the ensuing battle. Still, Viktor is a jerk and locks up Lucian for taking off his collar (it is spiky and will kill Lucian if he turns into a wolf with it on).

Tannis helps Sonja free Lucian. And now everyone goes berserk. You may be assured that werewolves and vampires fight a lot. The vamps also wear some neat armor. By the end you can tell why Lucian is so feared. Viktor, not so much.

There is action and violence aplenty. Nice video transfer. There is a good bit of CGI, not all of it good, though for the most part it is acceptable. The practical FX are nice. Audio equalization is an up and down affair, but better than most DVDs. The acting is good. This is a nice dark movie. It is slow for the first half setting up the rest of the movie.

Definite rental, and since I bought, so should you! It probably would not play well at a party except for "Underworld" fans, or if you just play the second half.