Upcoming Events



See the troop calendar above for campout and activity dates.  Scouts must be current on all fees to participate.  

Any fees owed to the troop for troop events or activities should be remitted to the Troop Treasurer before registering for a new event or activity.


HMNS Merit Badge Program

Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 - Registration is open.


5555 Hermann Park Dr.

Houston, Texas 77030

Offering scouts the opportunity to earn badges with engaging museum experiences, the HMNS Scouting Program offers merit badge classes at HMNS facilities in Hermann Park, Sugar Land and Brazos Bend State Park, home of the George Observatory. 

Classes take place on Saturdays during the school year.

Each Scouts BSA class will cover all requirements for a Merit Badge, although some classes will have prerequisite work or homework. Scouts BSA Merit Badge classes are designed for boys or girls who are 11 to 17 years of age, have earned the Cub Scouting Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old or have finished the fifth grade.

Please note that this is not a troop event.

Shac merit badge days

October 7, 2023 - Registration will open closer to the date of the event.

December 2, 2023 - Registration will open closer to the date of the event.

Elite Pipe Welding Academy

7119 Village Way

Houston, Texas 77087

Merit Badge Days are an opportunity for Scouts in troops, crews or ships to work on requirements for one or more merit badges. Classes are taught by career professionals and Scouters with real-life experiences in the field. 

These are not give-away merit badges. In order to receive full credit, Scout are expected to read the merit badge book before the event, participate fully during the class, and complete prerequisites. Learn more about merit badge completions and partials.

The merit badge classes are interactive and require active participation by each Scout. Merit badge class sizes are limited so that each Scout has the opportunity to learn about future careers, trades, citizenship, hobbies, and life skills while working on merit badge requirements.

Registration is completed online using a credit card or electronic check. There is no onsite registration. Council refund policy. (How to register.) 

Important: Before registering, check the school and troop calendar for conflicts. Check which merit badges the Scout has already completed. Scouts must obtain approval from their unit leader before participating in the class.

BSA ID Number: Have the Scout's BSA ID number ready before registering. The correct BSA ID number is critical to identifying the Scouts in Scoutbook to ensure the Scout gets credit for requirements completed. The BSA ID number can be found: • Scoutbook (1. click on My Dashboard, 2. for a Scout - click on name of Scout, or for adult - click on My Account, 3. select Edit Profile), MyScouting.org (1. click on the upper right icon 2. select My Profile), • BSA membership card, • ask the unit leader to check the unit roster.

Changes: Class changes can be made after registering if space is available.