So Far from Home

Post date: Mar 28, 2013 7:14:53 PM

Poet laureate 05/24/2008

Title: So Far From Home

Author: Don Aedan O'Diomasaigh

Irish lad borne in a river towne

Dreamed of sailing towards the west

When the barge for limerick comes round

I be on it he would jest

In limerick towne he dranke and sang

Soone his purse dry to the bone

With no liquir he felt a pang

Why am I so farre from home

Sailers offer drinkes in their sea slang

Drink much as your will allow

Woken to a shot nay a bang

ah! Boy in the navie now

The Watry sea did become me bride

fight with hanger I was shewne

Fought for money or tooke a bribe

What to doe so farre from home

Tooke up with a ship from trimaris

Flew a triskel blew and white

Met up with a lass most fairest

It twas an great delight

But king and sea did call me away

Yeares apart the sea I roam

Absence made her heart goe astray

What I'd give to be backe home

For king and queene we protect the shoare

Fight and sing and drank our fill

if the casks goes dry steal some more

Heave to and you know the drill

Warres are ore and me job twas dun

I liv'd on the suds and foam

And of children I have a sonne

And sometimes I dreame of home

Winters chill is upon this old man

As I set sail one last time

To see greene grass where once I ran

Quick ere the death bell doth chime

Death did come whilst I voyaged at sea

Plac'd me in my family tombe

Buried now a mistake it be

Here in Ireland so far from home