Arts and Science Faires

Kingdom Art/Sci Faire

For the most current information on Arts and Science Faires in Trimaris, please go to

and for more information.

We are slowly combining current information onto the kingdom page

(updates 8-15-19)

Trimaris hosts one Kingdom Arts & Sciences Faires each year. This Faire usually occurs in January, but the date is not set.

The Art & Sciences Faire is a traditional, academic style Faire, in which individual pieces are entered into a specific category. This is an academic and artistic faire in which the entrant competes against a set parameter of rules at their chosen level. The emphasis is on education and constructive feedback. There are four levels of entry at each Faire: Novice, Journeyman, Artificer and Masterwork. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges and scored according to the criteria specified for each level of entry. Judging forms for each level are available to all entering prior to the faire.

Regional Art/Sci Faires

Regional Art-Sci Faires are held at local or Baronial events, rather than a Kingdom event.

They are sponsored by, and report the results to the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Office. Reporting is designed for the A&S office to see how well the entrants are utilizing the system, as well as tracking how well the entrants are developing their skills. The Regional Faires operate in much the same way as Kingdom Art-Sci, except that they only require two judges per entry, instead of the Kingdom standard of three or more judges.

Regional Art-Sci Faires will be held throughout the Kingdom and the calendar year to allow our artisans multiple opportunities for coaching, evaluation and assistance so that they may present their best work at each Winter Art-Sci.

The idea behind the Regional Art/Sci Faires is that entrants should have opportunities for coaching, evaluation and assistance prior to entering an item into Kingdom Art/Sci. This will not only make the entries at Kingdom Art/Sci better, it will allow participating in the Trimaris Art/Sci Faires to be a true learning process!

Regional Art-Sci Faires are held at local or Baronial events, rather than a Kingdom event. They are sponsored by, and report the results to the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Office. Reporting is designed for the A&S office to see how well the entrants are utilizing the system, as well as tracking how well the entrants are developing their skills. The Regionals will operate in much the same way as Kingdom Art-Sci, except that they will only require two judges per entry, instead of the Kingdom standard of three or more judges.

All other Kingdom Art-Sci rules will apply to the Regional Faires. An entrant still needs to research and create an item, document the item’s historical context and materials, explain how they created the item, and explain the differences, if any, between their item and the historical item, according to the rules and forms available for their level of entry.

Regional Faires are smaller, with less emphasis on scoring, and more emphasis on constructive commentary. They are designed as “practice” faires for mostly newer entrants to enable the entrants to learn the structure of the Art-Sci rules, the divisions, subdivisions and categories, and the necessary paperwork. The major emphasis is on “works-in-progress” entries, so that the entrants can adjust and improve their entries and documentation if needed, before entering at Kingdom Art-Sci.

Regional Faires will be helpful to the upper level entrant as well, as an opportunity for a “preview” or a final proofreading before Kingdom Art-Sci. It has happened many times in the past that an entrant has brought their entry and documentation to Kingdom Art-Sci, and finds that they unintentionally left out references, or missed typing a part of the bibliography, or even didn’t finish a bit of sewing, or other last minute details. This kind of thing happens and is difficult for both the judges and the entrants. Having your work previewed at a Regional Faire can catch those small issues before they become *big* issues.

Summer Collegium

Once a year, usually in the summer opposite of the Art/Sci Faire, Trimaris hosts a Summer Collegium. This is a class-oriented event, with several class tracks - the emphasis will be on teaching and learning. Classes will be organized by skill level from beginner to expert.

KMOAS’ Art/Sci Set-up Checklist — Checklist for Arts and Sciences Faire Setup