Information for Entrants

For the most current information on Arts and Science Faires in Trimaris, please go to

and for more information.

We are slowly combining current information onto the kingdom page

(updates 8-15-19)

First, review the Art/Sci rules so you know more about how the competition works and what is required for entries and entrants.

Second, decide at which level you would like to compete. Each entry level is tailored to make entrants more comfortable and increasingly familiar with the process.

Third, review the divisions and categories section so you will know where your piece will be sorted at the Art/Sci Faire. You'll need this information to fill out your forms.

Fourth, download the form for your entry. Go to the level of form that you need and select from static entry, performance entry or research paper. Review this form and use it to help you organize the documentation for your entry. You may also want to review the judging rubric from your entry level so you can better understand the criteria by which judges will review your entry.

Fifth, if you are ready then register for the next Art/Sci Faire

If you need help, you can check this section of the site to see if some of the informtaion you might need is available online. If not, contact your local Art/Sci officer, the Kingdom Art/Sci officer or any member of the Order of the Laurel. They should be able to help point you in the right direction.