Treasure Story

Treasure Story Spreadsheet: Information about treasure collections, islands, expansions, and XP gains.

Always gift Peaches (12 energy). There's no reason to gift anything else.

How I like to play:

There are various ways to play this game (feel free to comment below or use Comments form on the left sidebar about your strategy and I may add it here), but the strategy I like to use maximizes your energy and gets you a high amount of coins and a steady amount of free gems. Though it is based on the fact that you have Trinity Island unlocked so you have to be a certain level before you can start playing this way.

Always make sure you're cooking something and either collect it right away or at least before it spoils (once the food is ready, you get the same amount of time it took to cook before it spoils so it's an extra hour for Chicken and a day for Ham). At first I cooked Chicken and collected it hourly but towards the end I was sick of visiting the game every hour and too bored to eat use up my chicken that I switched to Ham.

Besides the obvious (tips listed below), I like to revisit Trinity Island since it offers a gem collection and two other collections for high amount of gold. I did not care for more of the same statue items after I redeemed my first. (I do not have information about which level you need to be able to visit the various islands so feel free to let me know.)

Finally, on the days I feel patient, I'll use up as much food as I have stocked as I can stand, making sure I never go past full energy, and then hunt for treasures.

When I quit playing (after about 6 months, about 3 months using this strategy), I was 75, had the max expansion, plenty of coins and nothing to spend it on, and I had bought the Baby Turtle and a Christmas Surprise Box with gems. I was so disappointed in my Snowman prize (I couldn't have cared what other holiday item I got but this) that I did not feel like redeeming my other 40 gems and/or continuing with the game.


-Try to always go back to the game right before you're full energy (you gain 1 energy every 5 minutes).

-Use up all your energy right before bedtime so that you don't sit at maximum energy overnight (too long).

-You gain XP from buying items, treasure hunting, and redeeming specific collections.

-Your energy is replenished fully when you level up. Therefore, when you're close to leveling up, try to be as close to 0 energy as possible and actively push yourself to the next level. (I hate to leave the game when I've very close to leveling.) Use up all your energy and then:

-Redeem a treasure collection

-Wait a short duration ("short" is relative to how many more XP you need) making sure to keep your energy low and go treasure hunting

-Eat a few food items from your backpack to go treasure hunting

-Buy decoration