Researchers of Names in Ransom and Newton Townships, PA

Researchers and the surnames they are

searching for in the Ransom and Newton area

Listed by Researchers' names

Susan Ash, Barrier, Dersheimer (Dorsheimer, Dorshimer etc.), Hopkins, LaCoe, Swartwood (Swartwout), DeWitt, Keeler, VanWhy (VanWye), Decker, Smith, Armstrong, Lasher, Coon, Eyte, Sloane, Sturr (Storrs), Sickler, Williams, Pennington, Corby, Johnson, Ace, Walter

LaCoe family website

Mary Anne Magnuson Blackwell, Gardner

Denise Sallee Rozelle

Chris Schultheis Schultheis, Bedell, Baker, Simpkins, Swartz, Miller

Ken Walter Walter, Gress (Kress)

Velma Miller Miller, Thompson, LaCoe, Odell, Ash, May, Huthmaker, Courtright, Treible, Ace, Michael(s)

Marge Gray Beemer, Brink, Campbell, Courtright, Decker, DeWitt, Fitch, Hawk, Johnson, Keeler, Pearce, Rosenkrans, Swartwout, Van Auken, Vosburg, Westbrook

Marge's homepage

Joan Antal Brezee, Carey, Blackwell, Miller

Paul Thompson Aten, Ayers, Bates, Beemer, Cosner, Courtright, Dersheimer, Durland, Garey, Green, Hadsell, Hauser, Klipple (Kloeppel) Litts, Maas, Pryor, Richards, Saxe, Smith, Swartz, Van de Bogart (Bogart), Van Sickle, Vosburg(h), Ward, Zeiss

Sandra Lesh Lesh, Carpenter, Cooper

Beverly Dormagen Ash, Cary/Carey, Huthmacher/Hutmacher/Hatmaker, Miller, Myers, Burgess

Cathy Ambrisko Mullenix Barnyik/Barnick/Barnic

Diane Andreasen Turner, Kelley

James M TeVogt Twichell

Debbie Moore Dorsheimer

Karen Gaughan Vaughn, Holmes, Green, Ross, Redfield, Craig

Ed Sanders Britton, Ayers, Avery, Sonsky, Decker, Williams, Pennington

Ed Sander's genealogy page

Patricia Britton Britton, Rozelle, Engel

Stewart J.A.Woolever, Jr Woolever (Willever), Smith

Paula Radwanski Ayers, Collum, Roloson

Bob O'Neill Smith, Cooper, Brown, Wilson, Stine

Sandy Corselius Corselius, Klipple

Richard S. Rozell Rozell

Laurence Lance Lance (Lantz, Lants, Lentz, Lents), Decker, Sickler, Carey, Stage, Quinn

Barry Wood Hufford

Dorothy Alvis Beemer, Litts, Spangenberg, Van Auken, Wilsey

Deborah Harding

Janice Tuttle Buranich

Don Michel Frances/Francis, Fitzsimmons, Riley, Florey

DuWayne Beebe Fuller, Beemer, Mittan, Neyhart

Penny Taylor Keim, Ace, Altemose, Hopkins, Bedell, Sax, Winters, Clark

Lee Ann Stebbins Canterbury, Gilbert, Bates, Lane, Mittan, Barber, Brown, Barnes, Hartman

Dorothy Rutherford Haupt, Berlew, Stark, Hoover

Mary Ann Lubinsky Burk/Burke, McKeon/McKeone/McEwen/McCewen

Lynn Firestone Zilk

Betty Shaffer Nary/Nairy

Ruth Fam Fuller, McClusky/McCloskey, Smith

Jeff Blackwell Blackwell

Marylee Schirg Drake

Nancy Hansen Latier, Lateer, Letteer, Litteeer

Marj Gardner, Smith, Cooper, Wilson, Shoemaker, Smith, Posten, Chapman, Adams

Lenny Kircher Kircher, Decker, Swartz, Rifenbary, Eckert, Biesecker

If you would have surname(s) in the Ransom/Newton area

and would like to be added to this list, please send

your name, email address, and surname(s) to the webmaster

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