
Invited Lectures

Invited Lectures (since 2000)

"Subsemitonien und ihre Bedeutung für die Orgelmusik des 17. Jahrhunderts."

Symposion "Die älteste Orgel Wiens – die 'Wöckherl-Orgel' (1642) in der Franziskanerkirche Wien.

Wien, October 21–22, 2011.

"Bach and temperament."

Lecture, International Symposium at The Russian Gnesins Academy of Music.

Moscow, The Russian Gnesins Academy of Music.

2010 March 18.

"Squaring the circle: Improvisation, temperament, organ repertoire, ensemble practice."

Symposium "The Future of Research in Performance", held at the Göteborg International Organ Academy 2009.

Göteborg, "Artisten", Concert Hall, Academy of Music and Drama.

August 8, 2009.

"Hamburger Orgelbau und Organisten in der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts:

Einflüsse und Wechselwirkungen."

41. Internationales Heinrich-Schütz-Fest Hamburg, October 25-28, 2007, arranged by Internationale Heinrich-Schütz-Gesellschaft / International Heinrich Schütz Society

Hamburg, St. Nikolai (am Klosterstern), Gemeindehaus (parish of St. Nikolai, parish house),

Harvestehuder Weg 118, 20149 Hamburg

October 27, 2007 at 09:30.

Dieterich Buxtehude. At the celebration Buxtehude at 300 on invitation of the American Guild of Organists (AGO), Dallas Chapter, Dallas/TX, USA, 2007-10-08.

Lecture "Dieterich Buxtehude's organs and their temperament".

Göteborg International Organ Academy "Buxtehude and the Mean Tone Organ"

Göteborg, Sweden, August 14-20, 2007

"Stimmung und Temperatur im norddeutschen Orgelbau des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts." (Tuning and Temperament in North German Organ Building during the 17th and 18th Centuries).

Lecture about my dissertation work to open the new semester at the Institut für Kirchenmusik und Musikwissenschaft at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität

2005-10-17, Greifswald (Germany).

"Tuning and Temperaments in Buxtehude's Time." and Participation in Panel Discussion.

AGO (American Guild of Organists) Pedagogy Conference on Dieterich Buxtehude, organized by The University of Notre Dame.

2005-09-11 – 2005-09-14, South Bend (Indiana), USA.

"Die große Orgel der Lübecker Marienkirche im 17. Jahrhundert."

‘Tour de Bach’. Zur 300. Wiederkehr von J. S. Bachs Reise von Arnstadt nach Lübeck, organized by The International Dieterich Buxtehude Society, Lübeck.

2005-09-03, Lübeck (Germany).

"The Practice of Organ Tuning in North Germany in the 17th and 18th Centuries and its Relationship to Contemporary Musical Practice."

(Presentation of PhD-research) and Participation in Panel Discussion

“Revisioning the Historical Organ”. Symposium Temperament, Sound, and Symbolism within the organ conference The Organ as a Mirror of Religion & Culture, organized by The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, The Westfield Center, and Saint Cecilia Schola Cantorum (Saint Cecilia Cathedral, Omaha).

2005-04-09, Omaha (Nebraska), USA.

"Die Temperierung als Problem der Nutzung von Orgeln in der Basso continuo-Gruppe." (Temperament as a problem in using organs within the basso continuo group). Symposium ‘... con Cembalo e l Organo...’ Das Cembalo als Generalbaßinstrument within the Festival of Early Music 29. Tage Alter Musik.

2004-11-12, Herne (Germany).

"Friederich Stellwagen."

Organ festival Stellwagen-Tage in Lübeck und Stralsund.

2003-06-28, Lübeck (Germany).

"Een Duytsche Rommelpot in reyne harmonie? – New ideas about the tuning of the Van Hagerbeer-Schnitger-organ after the rebuilding by F.C. Schnitger."

International Organ Festival Holland.

2003-06-24, Alkmaar (Netherlands).

"Friederich Stellwagen – Leben und Werk [Life and Work]."

Workshop of three hours of the International Society of Organ Builders (ISO).

2003-05-24, Stralsund (Germany).

" '...beruht ... offenbar auf unrichtigen Grundlagen.' Zur Geschichte der großen Orgel der Marienkirche zu Lübeck. Eine Annäherung." ('Obviously relying on false grounds' – On the history of the large organ of St. Mary's in Lübeck during the seventeenth century. An approximation).

Conference Musica Baltica: Orgelbau, Orgelmusik und Organisten des Ostseeraums im 17. und 19. Jahrhundert arranged by the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität (Greifswald).

2002-09-10, Greifswald/Lubmin (Germany).

"Wege zu Friederich Stellwagen."

Organ festival IV. Friedrich-Stellwagen-Tage.

2001-06-29, Stralsund (Germany).

"Some aspects in the development and use of organs with split keys."

International Academy La Seconda Prattica nel repertorio tastieristico Italiano e Tedesco.

2001-08-17–2001-08-27, Smarano (Italy).

"Temperaments and Tuning – an Introduction."

International Academy La Seconda Prattica nel repertorio tastieristico Italiano e Tedesco.

2001-08-17–2001-08-27, Smarano (Italy).

"Entdeckungen in Stralsund." (Discoveries in Stralsund).

Evaluation and contributions to extensive archival findings about Stellwagen s new organ, 1653–1659, in St. Marien, Stralsund.

Organ festival III. Friedrich-Stellwagen-Tage.

2000-07-07, Stralsund (Germany).

Lectures, Presentations, Seminars

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