Monster Hunt maps


I pretty much ignored all but the UT product game-types for years, and that includes Monster Hunt. Although I did collect a small number of MH maps over the years and was aware of several mappers that were active in the monster hunt community I never jumped into it. In these late days of UT, I decided to take a closer look and figure out how the maps work, with the idea I might make a few MH maps.

Well it seems that MH is still popular within the UT world, which itself retains a small fraction of popular (okay, maybe it barely registers on the scales of what is popular nowadays, but it's not completely dead - it still has a pulse :) Okay, enough of that - here are my Monster hunt projects...

Released ( 3 maps )


Large layout supports up to 10 players - Normal weapons.

UT Monster Hunt in a Future Tech Industrial Space Port facility. This is essentially a copy of the Orions Curse Part1 assault map, converted for the MonsterHunt game type, and with extra sections added to the end of the map. Warning: Seems to work fairly well except for some bugginess - hence the ALPHA designation. The final battle sometimes craps out (triggers get messed up), so play at your own risk!

ALPHA1 - Released April 2015

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OKAY! My first actual Monster Hunt map. This is basically the original Orion's Curse Assault map stripped of assault actors and Monster Hunt added. Version 5.03.

Note that this layout is the original OC Part-1 layout used in the early BETA assault maps, it is expanded compared to what was eventually released back in 2007.

For MH, I need a longer map, so I stabilized the BSP and added in the sections that were formerly removed. The size and monster load is about right IMO, for about 3-10 players. Well that said I have no idea lol and that is why it will get tested and fixed up according to what real MH players want :)

Not sure if it will ever be released to public though, simply because it is likely too FAT for servers. Again, I do not really know anything about how this will work online, but I'm sure the developers/admins will tell me, lol! Might have to strip it down some... we'll see.

This is an ALPHA "development" map. All that means is I've got the basic stuff in there, it works BUT is buggy/glitchy and parts of the map are not really finished (lighting not finished, textures not aligned yet, pickup placements randomly strewn about, mover timings not adjusted properly yet, BOTS sorta work but are horribly broken and get stuck, etc.).

So in short there's LOTS to fix in this map, and it is NOT intended for the public to use AT ALL! It is for developers to test, experiment, fix, collaborate etc. In the end IMO this could be a fun and challenging MH map... hope it turns out that way..

Dev Notes:

Right now, it builds in a FULL build mode in UED2, with no special settings other that the defaults. It might take a while, but it does build. I usually order all non-brush actors to LAST before doing a build and watch the LOG during the processing. Watch out for 1000 paths nodes reached error - that one's a map-killer.

Special actors - yes there are some in there.. HIGOR from has given me permission to use his Keypoint spawner and creature factory... These ones are not based on Navigation point so they are free from the path network which (supposedly) helps the BOTs in the end, since the network will be leaner as as result... I haven't found any problems with these yet.

I am not sure if the Steelpak stuff is needed in the install or not (i think not, but i can't remember, damn) so i included it anyways.

Jack Griffen ( aka GoPostal (Kelly) has also kindly provided me with a development version of the 5.03 MH actors, I have included these but if you are not him, then DON'T use them without first ASKING him...

For other credits etc, please see the original Orion's Curse ReadMe File content included below...

If you are a dev or player and you DO play/test this map, I would greatly appreciate your feedback.. Thank you in advance. I think that's it for now

Cheers FraGnBraG


Large layout supports up to 10 players - Normal Weapons.

Monster Hunt in a Sci-Fi Fantasy World. Originally designed as an AS temple complex incorporating several sections, the map grew stupidly huge as sections were added. To make things more manageable the original map was split into two maps. In the part-1 map, the player is on a quest to collect a set of special relics, which are required to complete the quest in part-2. So the split in the story occurs at a logical point.

BETA2 - Released January 2017

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(PART-1) Temple Of Dragons was originally intended was to be the last (and most challenging) of a series of four Ancient Alien Temple maps set in the same locale. The first map of the series was FNB-Ring-Of-Stones, was actually released and indicated the story setup for the locale. Unfortunately, the other three maps didn't follow for one reason or another (oh damn you FnB). They do exist, but over time the series "concept" was abandoned.

TOD has had my attention on and off for years, and has evolved quite a bit from it's original design. It became more detailed and now uses a lot of WOT textures as well as the old UT Ancient stuff. It has a similar feel to RoS except the setting is earlier in the day so it is brighter in the outside areas and there is shadow work throughout the map. Polys get high in a few areas as well, but are not crazy. That said, FrameRate is decent overall.

For the most part, the problems that plagued this map during it's long existance have been irradicated mainly because I became much better at brushing and fixng BSP bugs after 2002 when the original map was started (see the editor image below). Over time, some areas were simplified and others made a bit more detailed.

Since 2005, I have been picking away at little bits of it (actually the Assault version) and low and behold it's looking like it's almost there. This is the MONSTER HUNT version of TOD, based on the Assault map.


Large layout supports up to 10 players - Normal Weapons.

Monster Hunt in a Sci-Fi Fantasy World. This is the Part 2 map created from splitting the original Temple of Dragons map. In the part-1 map, the player is on a quest to collect a set of special relics, which are required to complete the quest in part-2, so essentially part 2 picks up where part 1 left off. Such great fun!

BETA - Released October 2018

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More Info:

(PART-2) Temple Of Dragons was originally intended was to be the last (and most challenging) of a series of four Ancient Alien Temple maps set in the same locale. The first map of the series was FNB-Ring-Of-Stones, was actually released and indicated the story setup for the locale. Unfortunately, the other three maps didn't follow for one reason or another (oh damn you FnB). They do exist, but over time the series "concept" was abandoned.

TOD has had my attention on and off for years, and has evolved quite a bit from it's original design. It became more detailed and now uses a lot of WOT textures as well as the old UT Ancient stuff. It has a similar feel to RoS except the setting is earlier in the day so it is brighter in the outside areas and there is shadow work throughout the map. Polys get high in a few areas as well, but are not crazy. That said, FrameRate is decent overall.

For the most part, the problems that plagued this map during it's long existance have been irradicated mainly because I became much better at brushing and fixng BSP bugs after 2002 when the original map was started (see the editor image below). Over time, some areas were simplified and others made a bit more detailed.

Since 2005, I have been picking away at little bits of it (actually the Assault version) and low and behold it's looking like it's almost there. This is the MONSTER HUNT version of TOD, based on the Assault map.