DOM FNB Fallen Angel


DOM FNB Fallen Angel

UT DOM - 4 CP - Medium, 8-16 players. Liandri Museum of History. BETA1 May 2014.

Welcome to the Liandri Museum of Ancient Civilizations. Originally designed for FoT3 in 2006, this map became a huge ART project and thus missed the map pack deadline.

Also features original soundtrack music I made using ModPlug tracker and some real instruments. So much work went into this project on and off for years that I eventually decided to put it out as a BETA. Great layout for DM matches as well.

Fallen Angel (actual title is "Where Fallen Angels Dwell" was a 2006 DOM map orignally planned for the TimeWarp Fusion Of Time mappack. It might have been finished for that map pack if not for a big gaff on my part - I'd spent such a long time creating textures to use in the map and in one day managed to mess most of them up in Photoshop.

Since I had not kept proper source image backups I was screwed!

Not feeling like repeating all that texture work I decided to just shelve the map.

Several times since then I have attempted to get the ball rolling on the map but I always become incredibly bored futzing around in Photoshop and so would end up working on any other map, lol.

In early December 2009, mapper Swanky announced a UT 10th Anniversary Deathmatch map pack at Unreal Playground and invited other mappers to join. So I tested FA for DM + TDM and it had decent gameplay.

So I was motivated to work on it for that reason but the map pack soon fizzled out due to a general lack of interest by the participants, which is a shame. I did do a fair bit of work on the map before suspending the effort to do other things.

When I do work on this map I work on the DM version. The DM and the DOM use the same layout (obviously) but the DM has more complete areas and lighting. So the DOM will simply be a conversion of the eventual completed DM (whenever that happens, LOL!)