Fate of Time (FoT-5)

map pack


Fate of Time (FoT-5) map pack

Timewarp Crew - Unreal Playground

Game Types: (5 maps) AS(1) CTF(2) DM(2)

Released November 17 2008 (Unreal Playground)

FoT-5 came about when Swanky returned to mapping after a hiatus, and decided to do one last TimeWarp Crew map pack. Unfortunately, not many mappers came forward for this one, but although the map pack contains just five maps, a few were very large file sizes (So I guess it is just as well :).

This was another "mixed" map pack which was pretty much built around Revelation's fantastic ChronoShift assault map, which was heavily promoted during it's development. Not to diminish the other maps, which were all quite good in their own right.

Selket and Adenora were both great looking and challenging gameplay maps, while UE1 detail limits were tested by the beautiful Arken (maximum visible polys and nodes) and enormous Orions Curse (maximum world polys and nodes). Map authors: Revelation, FraGnBraG, Swanky, Aalexanderrr, GTD-Carthage.

Note: Timewarp Crew promotional images are used by permission.

Download note: The FoT-5 map pack never made it onto Beyond Unreal FileWorks for hosting due to that system becoming problematic (eventually BU just pulled the plug), so the pack was made available only at Unreal Playground.

Upon it's release, the FoT-5 map pack was submitted to UT Unlimited, where the review is still available.

Read the UTUnlimited Review