DM FNB Four Temples


DM FNB Four Temples

UT Deathmatch / TDM, Large, 10-24 players. Alien world valley containing several ancient temples. Developed October 2002 - February 2003

Large map set in a valley on an alien world where four ancient temples surround a large central pyramid structure. This project was to be one of the locales in the original Ring-Of-Stones story, however that idea was abandoned shortly after the RoS map was released. The main problem was the DM/TDM gameplay was just not that great, mainly due to the size of the area. Even when you loaded the map with 32 bots a match could just become a drag.

I did think the map had potential for other game types though, like Domination, Assault or even CTF, where the teams have objectives, and also give the BOTs a purpose!

So during 2005 the map became a 5 control point DOM map, and as well was merged into the huge Temple of Dragons Assault map as the locale for the related set of final objectives.

The map seemed to work okay as a DOM when playing 4 team domination matches with teams of 5 or 6 players, movement around the map was still pretty slow overall - matches could become tedious and once behind, your team never catches up. This was fixed in 2010 when I added UTR XPickups into the mix! Suddenly the BOTs were speeding around, and the teams could actually compete!

Much later the DOM map was fixed up for the 2018 Awesome Mapping Contest (AMC) held at However, I pulled the map from the contest to submit CTF AMC Big And Ugly instead, and released the DOM separately afterwards. So, a DM version of Four Temples using XPickups will certainly be released once the DOM is 100% completed.