That's it - GAME OVER

Post date: 03-Jan-2017 00:01:14

This quick note is to let you dear readers know that all games have been reviewed, as far as I can tell.

I have attempted to review all games in the order they were sent to me, but if I have somehow managed to miss one - please let me know so I can rectify the situation.

I've had great fun playing all these games and will let you download and play these last four that have been reviewed tonight over the course of the next week, and in the meantime I will attempt to pick the best (or is it worst) games for each challenge and pick one overall winner.

I'll try to summarise and announce the winner this coming weekend. Good luck to all who entered.

If anyone would like to download the entire archive of entries, along with all screenshots, I am including the file in this post. It's only 4,354 Kb in size (after I removed a 35Mb video from one of the folders!).