
Post date: 15-Oct-2016 22:24:18

Game by: Stephen (AKA Retromad)

Reviewed by: Simon Ferré

What is this strange file I have in the wobbly towering stack I call the in-tray? Not only did I find this file zipped, but it's a whopping 31Mb in size. Now, unless there's some jiggery-pokery going on, this has to be wrong. Maybe I should run some decent anti-virus on the file. No, that's passed so it's fine. Time to explore.

What's this? A rather large WMV video claiming to be an Advert for the game. I've uploaded it to Youtube so you can get a taste of what is to come.

This has got to more than make up for the lack of loading screen due to the Author supplying a .z80 snapshot file.

This whole Japanese subculture thing has completely passed me by. At least some of the blurb from the Author has assisted me a bit:

Anyway, it's a nice piece of crap for you by myself (and some hacked up voice synthesizer program which I couldn't seem to allow me to 'use for my own program' without just deleting loads of lines that were in the way (and leaving those that weren't!)

Anyways- it's an officially unlicensed game based on currently popular Japanese Sanrio (Home of Hello Kitty) character GUDETAMA (the lazy egg).

Type anything in and press ENTER - If it's something Gudetama is not too lazy to do - then you'll get a point.

Simple (like my programming skills).

In fact, I got so excited about this game I even forgot to take screenshots :-) And then the disappointment hit me. What a large file for such a load of crap.

It's even pretty hard to make out the included sampled digitised speech that gets played. I think I heard it say "too lazy" and "okay".

The last file that was included was a supposed cassette inlay. It's not bad:

Cassette Inlay

I'm really not sure what to make of it. Well, you'll have to grab the snapshot and try it for yourself. I'm suddenly feeling too lazy to complete the review with screenshots, etc.

Score: 3 minutes for soft boiled out of 6 for hard boiled.