Post date: 02-Jan-2017 22:21:41

Game By: Retromad

Reviewed by: Simon Ferré

I'm not entirely sure why the game title is in capitals on this entry into the Christmas themed game challenge. Maybe I'll find out more when I've loaded it.

Nope, still no ideas. Basically, this is a new version of Manic Miner. The file is a snapshot, so there's no new loading screen to feast your eyes on, and it's quite annoying to play as even though each screen is quite simple to go through, there are still those annoying little tricks and traps that catch you out when you know that's exactly what you did last time and you did it again this time. I have no idea what the final screen was like, as I didn't get that far while playing it. The last two times I played it I got stuck on the same screen. I've not got any further through it.

I hope you do better.

Anyway, here's a screenshot of the first two levels to feast your eyes upon:

Screen 01


One thing that has become apparent is that on all the original versions 20 screens there was no way to go from the left of the screen and wrap around to the right of the screen as the author designed the screens with a border at the far left and right. With this version it is clear that that facility was there (and can be used as a shortcut on some of the levels) but you appear at the other side of the level one character offset due to the way it works.

I couldn't resist another go and went through all 20 screens and then some and achieved a high score of over 70,000. Just shows it is possible to complete it.

Score - A score out of 20.