ERASE - Eradicate Really All

Post date: 12-Jun-2016 20:19:23

Game by: textvoyage

Reviewed by: Simon Ferré

When I set this challenge, I assumed the KEYWORD would be actually used in the listing, but having no idea what the ERASE KEYWORD does (isn't it something to do with microdrive cartridges), I see it is being used, but within a PRINT statement to print the name of the game at the top of the screen. Having not been specific enough, I cannot complain. It's my fault. All I can do is learn from my mistake and strive to do better for the next challenge, and say well done to textvoyage for spotting this loophole in the rules.

I like the game loading screen - it's simple and doesn't need to be anything else:

Once into the game proper, you get a symbol on the screen and have to press symbol shift and the relevant key.

During the early part of the mission you are allowed a guess or two, but as you progress, your accuracy has to improve.

At a quarter, halfway and three quarters of the way through the invasion, you have a small interlude to prepare you for the next stage.

When you get three quarters of the way along it says you now have to be 100% accurate. If not, you misfire and the game ends. This happened to me on my second go and I gained a high score:

I find this game annoying, but in a way that makes you strive to do better next go. It took me four or five goes to remember I was supposed to be reviewing the game (and taking screenshots) so I had to remind myself to keep pausing the emulator saving bitmaps (yes, I'm still on Eighty One emulator). It's maybe a bit too polished for a crap games competition. Sure the idea is nothing new, but it's just far too well executed.

Score: !() out of !() (that's 10 out of 10 for those among you who are unable to see it).