Add up total length of selected dimensions

Simply select dimensions and it will add up all dimension figures for you.


Command: ADDDIM
Select objects:

Select dimensions you want to add up.

Use text overrides? [Yes/No] <Yes>:

Press Enter to use override dimension texts as the figures, type "No" to use default dimension figures.

For instance, the actual length of an object is 1000, but you override the default length with 1200 in the dimension text. Select "Yes" will force it use figure 1200 instead of 1000.

If you don't override it manually but use Dimension Roundoff to round the number, it uses the round-off number instead of the actual length. For example, the actual length of the dimension is 14354, the round-off is set to 4 and the dimension text is 14350, when you use "text override", it will add 14350 to the number sum.

Total sum of selected dimension is: 406.8698

The format of the result is based on your current units settings, including units type and units precision. You can change it with command UNITS.


You can also add up angular dimensions. The result is in radians.
For example result radians value 1.571 equals 90°.

You can convert it into degree with lisp function angtos. i.e. (angtos 1.571) = 90.



2020-02-01, Fixed a bug when the roundoff is set to 0.0
2020-01-18, "Override" option uses whatever numbers shown in the dimension, not necessary a manually override.