Motion, Forces and Energy




This physics unit will cover the concepts of objects in motion, friction and gravity as forces and the types of energy. 

HS-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

PS2.A: Forces and Motion

PS2.B: Types of Interactions

HS-PS3 Energy

PS3.A: Definitions of Energy

PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer

PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces

Learning Goal: 

Through learning concepts of motion, force and energy, you will be able to design/demonstrate real life applications to the concepts of momentum, inertia, Newton's Laws, acceleration, electricity and magnetism

You need to pick at least two projects from each topic, then one more at random, for a total of seven.

Weeks 18 -24

January 2 - February 13


*Describe Newton’s three laws of motion. Design an experiment demonstrating each law

*Explain the concepts of and compare the relationship between momentum and acceleration. Include the factors that influence each and the mathematical formulas for each. Design an experiment to test these concepts and to analyze the mathematical results explaining relationships. (Mousetrap car or lab experiment provided below)

*What is inertia - definition? Describe the mechanics of how seat belts work and the role of inertia. Design a demonstration to explain process.


*Investigate the force considerations used in designing a football helmet or the considerations needed in making a NASCAR race safe. Design an experiment to demonstrate these concepts (egg drop?). You will need to understand how to calculate force.  

*Using Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity(specifically how it relates to space/time), relate how these laws combine to explain Earth and the moon, our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy.

*Explain, including diagrams and/or videos, what the magnetosphere is and how this field protects the Earth. Also include supporting evidence that the Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting, and have done so in the past. Design a demonstration that models Earth’s magnetosphere as a magnetic field.


*Explain the Law of Conservation of Energy and the second Law of Thermodynamics. Compare how these two laws relate to the energy of the Big Bang Theory, what is happening to the universe now and the amount of energy available in the universe. This will include a discussion of entropy (what it is) and its role in what possible outcomes for the future of the universe

*Describe and include real life examples of the five forms of energy. Design an experiment/demonstration that provides a display of each form.

*Describe how energy can be transferred within a system from one object to another and from one form to another. Describe a system where there are at least four changes.

Design a Rube Goldberg machine to demonstrate this concept.

*How electric motors work. Design a demonstration that illustrates the process.


Motion - Forces - Energy

Newton's Laws of Motion - what force makes an object stop moving (3types)?

What is a force that changes motion?

F=MA - Force is related to an object's mass and acceleration

What is the definition of Inertia - how does it apply to seatbelts?

Relationship between momentum, acceleration, velocity involves doing a lab, then analyzing data to make comparisons/relationship

    - How to test how mass influences acceleration

    - How does it relate to momentum

    - Conclusions based on research and demonstration

Football helmet - what is made from, what happens to energy on impact, how is helmet tested, forces involved in concussion and hits in football

NASCAR - roof flaps, design of car/material, wall design, roll cage, safety harness, other - discussion of forces 

    involved in collisions/wrecks, calculating forces involved (F=MA) - application of Newton's third law of motion 

Seat belt design - parts of, how the mechanism works

Rube Goldberg - 3=7 steps, 4=10 steps (takes notes on process)

Forms of energy and math formulas can all be found on website

Egg drop - 10 feet

Force = Newtons - 1N=1kg move 1m/sec/sec

Electromagnetism = electricity and magnetism

System = anything that includes connected parts involving changing energy. Ex:  weather, internal combustion engine, human body



Newton's First law of motion

    space travel, inertia

Newton's Second law of motion

    acceleration, gas mileage, breaking distance, automobile designs

Newton's Third law of motion

    jumping, liftoff, action reaction

Measuring motion

    speed, acceleration, light speed, terminal velocity, red light blue light

Perpetual motion machines



    space and time

    push and pull

    math of space

    terminal velocity

    moon pulling tides

    Newton's law of Universal Gravitation

    Stephen Hawking's theories 


    sliding, rolling and fluid friction

    motor oil

    tire design


Mathematics of force


Potential v. kinetic

Mechanical energy

    water power - dams, turbines

    wind power


Heat energy

    thermal expansion

    thermal energy - endothermic v. exothermic reactions

    conduction, convection, radiation

    heat v. temperature

    thermochemical reactions - heat caused from chemical reactions

Chemical energy

    rocket fuel

    wood burning

    biochemical energy - food - how sugar gives organisms energy

electromagnetism energy

    moving of electrons

    power lines - electricity

    electric motors

    light energy

    electromagnetic spectrum

    shock - lightning

Nuclear energy

    fission and fusion


    atomic bombs

    nuclear power

Newton's laws of thermodynamics - two

Hadron collider


Albert Einstein

Isaac Newton

Stephen Hawking

Nikola Tesla

Thomas Edison

Georg Ohm

Marie Curie

Niels Bor

Many, Many others



frame of reference





constant speed


fluid friction

sliding friction

rolling friction







energy conversion






waste heat

thermal expansion

potential and kinetic energy




The five forms of energy and examples of each

Newton's first law of thermodynamics

Newton's three laws of motion

What is the difference between heat and temperature

Why do dragsters do burnouts

Math formulas

    F=MA, s=d/t, final velocity-original velocity/time, momentum =massxvelocity



force is a push or pull

    wind pushes magnet pulls

    moon pulls tides

force gives energy to an object

unit of measurement is a newton - one newton is the force needed to cause 1kg to move 1meter/sec for every second in motion

friction - force of opposites

    sliding friction - solid objects slide over each other

    rolling friction - solid objects roll over each other

    fluid friction - friction in liquids (fluids include water, oil and air)

gravity force of attraction

    depends on mass of object and distance away from each other

    earth's gravity pulls down at rate of 9.8 m/sec/sec

Newton's Law of universal gravitation - all objects in the universe attract each other


motion - a change in position over time

frame of reference - the background or object that is compared to when describing movement

speed - distance object travel over time 


    constant speed - when object doesn't change speed

    average speed - total distance divided by total time

velocity - speed in a direction (wind)

acceleration - rate which velocity changes - speed up, slow down, change direction

    a = final velocity - original velocity /time

    deceleration - decrease velocity

momentum - mass x velocity

any change in motion requires energy

Isaac Newton - 1665 - Three laws of motion

    First law - an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by a force. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by force

        inertia - tendency of an object to resist any change in motion - purpose of seat belts

    Second law - force and acceleration are related to an object's mass     


    Third law - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction - forces act in pairs - thrust


energy is the ability to do work

measured in joules

potential energy - energy at rest

kinetic energy - energy in motion

five forms energy

    mechanical - energy of movement 

        water, wind, sound

    heat - results of motion of atoms 

        friction converted to mechanical energy creates heat    

        thermal expansion - volume of object increases with motion of molecules 

            dragsters doing burnouts just before race

        heat - how fast molecules are moving and how many there are

        temperature - how fast molecules moving

        heat gets transferred throughout atmosphere three ways

            conduction - transfer of heat directly from one object to another - ground to air

            convection - transfer of heat through fluids - warm air rises - convection currents

            radiation - transfer of heat through empty space

    chemical - energy required to bond atoms or break bonds - rocket fuel, wood burning, digestion

    electromagnetism - moving of electrons through a magnet to create a magnetic field

            power lines, electric motors, light, electromagnetic spectrum, lightning

    nuclear - fission, fusion

energy conversions - change in form of energy

    Law of conservation - amount of energy in universe always same

    Law of thermodynamics - energy cannot be created nor destroyed only changed form

whenever change in form of energy energy is lost - waste heat - lightbulb

    not all energy is converted from one form to another - lighting a match


    Project 2 lab

Lab report format will be the standard format

Do lab with 2 different cars with different mass.

    1. measure length of ramp - find midpoint

    2. roll car from start - time to midpoint

    3. roll car from start - time from midpoint to end    

    4. roll car from start - time length of ramp

    5. 2-4 calculate speed, momentum, acceleration of car (this is the essential part for motion rubric)

    6. roll car from start and time from end of ramp to stop - find speed 

    7. roll car from start and time until car comes to stop - find average speed

    8. find acceleration of car on ramp, deceleration off ramp, calculate force

Conclusion should include thoughts as to why you got two different results

Energy conversion lab (follows energy notes)

tennis ball, racquet ball, ping pong, golf ball, super ball

Make a prediction of which ball will have the highest return height and why.

Do activity on classroom tables and on rug in hall.

    1. bounce each ball 3x each from 30cm, 60cm, 90cm

    2. observe height of first return bounce and record

    3. why doesn't it bounce as high?

    4. bounce height vs. ball type

Find average return height for each ball at each height