Human Body Systems

The body systems project is an oral presentation done by students in pairs. The pair will pick a body system and then receive a list of what they are expected to present about their system (listed below). They will be responsible for the introduction of this material to the class. They are encouraged to use as many mediums (posters, handout, diagrams, videos) as possible in their presentations.

The systems to choose from are listed below. I encourage students to use as much technology as possible in their presentations. Included on this page will be some samples of videos, information etc. that is out there on the web.

This project will be done primarily in class for two weeks, with one to two weeks for presentations.


This is what is expected to be presented for each body system. More can be included if you wanted to. Please be thorough and creative in your presentations.

Circulatory system – heart and its parts, how blood is transported, path blood takes through heart and lungs, major veins and arteries, blood types and components, diseases

Digestive system – organs involved(stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, small and large intestine), how food is digested, path food takes, fat and energy, diagram of system

Endocrine system – function of glands(thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, testis, ovaries, pituatary, adrenals and pancreas), diagram of where glands are located, problems

Nervous system – brain and its parts with function of each, spinal cord, how messages(nerve impulses) travel, diseases, three parts of nervous system, diagram

Excretory system – urinary tract, urethra, how waste forms, how it leaves your body, intestines, bladder, kidneys, liver, urine, diseases, diagram

Respiratory system – path air takes, lungs, diseases, diagram

Immune system – white blood cells, platelets, blood clots, how it works, diseases

Muscular system – types of muscles, location, function, ligaments, tendons, diseases

Skeletal system – names of all bones, location, function, bone marrow, diagram, diseases

Skin – how it works, layers, colors, diseases, diagram

Senses – five senses, how each works, reflexes, diagrams


Speech addresses topic

Speech volume is appropriate

Eye contact

Visual aide

Organization of presentation