Russian Punch - Search for...

Post date: Oct 30, 2009 7:18:26 AM

Russian Punch.

Upon closer inspection I found a recipe for Russian Punch in "Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks" from 1869, by William Terrington:

"Ruby Punch -- Dissolve in 3 pints of green tea 1lb of sugar; add strained juice of 6 lemons, 1 pint of arrack, and 1 pint of port wine; sweeten to taste.

Russian Punch -- Same as Ruby; but use gill of Kummel instead of the arrack and wine."

There is also a reference to Russian Punch in Modern American Drinks... by George J. Kappeler, of which I do not have a copy, though it is available from:

Also I found a segment of text using Google Books:

Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of the Khiva (available through Amazon books):

"Dinner passed off with much merriment on all sides, and concluded with a famous bowl of Russian Punch. This punch is made of vodka, champagne..."