Mark Lesson 11

©1996 "Yes Lord" Ministries


Passion Week, the final week of Jesus´ ministry is rapidly drawing to a close and with it His servant ministry. Soon Jesus will have fulfilled the mission of His first coming to earth -- the mission to pay the death penalty for sin and to redeem mankind from the power and consequences of sin. He is now over halfway through this final week. Let´s see what happens as the final days and hours tick rapidly away.

Note: The 'Teachings' as currently given in this lesson are what you will normally hear on this topic (i.e. Orthodox) re the events that occur in the last part of Passion Week. However, recently we have learned of research that strongly suggests that there were 2 Holy Days during this particular Passion Week - one on Thurs and one on Saturday (as usual). If this is true, then it explains clearly how Christ could be 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb without having to 'jiggle' the times as is done re. the Orthodox view. Also this would make the last meal with Christ and His disciples really be 'The Last Supper' instead of 'the Passover meal' (as is the Orthodox teaching.) We are considering revising this lesson to include these views (but 'don't hold your breath' about this being done anytime soon as we are snowed under with other things.) In the meantime, we just wanted you to know that this 'other view' is 'out there' and is worth considering. But the bottom line big picture does not change ! And that is that Christ died to pay for your sins and mine, that He rose from the dead proving that He is God, and that if we accept His sacrifice on our behalf, we will live with Him forever! Praise the Lord and Thank you Jesus!

Section 1

In Lessons 9 and 10, we studied the events which occurred on Palm Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (the day of questions and controversy). The anointing of Jesus with perfume probably occurred on Tuesday night (Jewish Wednesday since it begins at sundown). Let´s continue now with the Passion week events as we pick up the week on Tuesday evening / the Jewish Wednesday.

Get out your Passion Week Chart and your Predictions Chart. With these two charts in hand, read Mark chapters 14,15 and 16 and, as you read, fill in both of these charts with the information requested on them. When you have finished this assignment, you will be completed for this section of our Lesson.

Section 2

In Section 1, you briefly looked at all of the events in the final 3 chapters in Mark. Now let´s begin to look in more detail at some of the specific events. Read Mark 14:1-11.

-----Pause while you read Mark 14:1-11-----

Since Mark 14:1 states that the Passover and Feast of Unleavened bread were only 2 days away and we know that Passover was on Friday, when did the event of Jesus being anointed with perfume occur?


In the parallel accounts, John 12:1-12 seems to place this event on the Saturday evening before the Triumphal Entry. Matthew in 26:1-16 and Mark, as you just read, place it 3 days before Passover. All 3 accounts, however, agree in relating this incident to Judas´decision to betray Jesus.

There is also another account of a woman anointing Jesus with perfume. This is recorded in Luke 7:36-50. It seems to be an entirely different event, but let´s let you prove that for yourself. Stop now and read these 4 different accounts and as you read, fill in the information on the following chart. Then we will answer a few questions.


Jesus is anointed with perfume

.................................................. Matthew 26:1-16 ................. Mark 14:1-11 ............. Luke 7:36-50 ............John 12:1-12

When it occurred

Where (town,etc.)

Who did it (name, if given)

Describe the perfume

And the container



What did she do


Why did she do this

(The reason if given)

Reaction of observers


Reaction of Jesus (ie.

What did Jesus say or do)


Reaction of Judas

Based on what you have read and recorded, how many different annointings of Jesus were there?

Circle your answer:.............ONE.............TWO............THREE

Explain your answer:



Even though there is a discrepancy as to when this second anointing occurred, is this something that should shake your faith and cause you to disbelieve the Bible and reject Jesus and go to hell?

Circle your answer.................YES.................NO

Explain (include in your explanation a plausible possibility of why or how there could have been this difference in the timing of the anointing)



What was the purpose of the anointing as recorded in Luke?


What was the purpose of the anointing as recorded in Matthew, Mark, and John?


FYI (For your information), It was a Jewish custom to anoint the body of the deceased with aromatic spices and oils as a part of the preparation of the body for burial. Criminals, however, did not have their bodies prepared in this way.

Knowing what you know about how Jesus died and with whom (see Mark 15:27), what does this tell you about the significance of the woman anointing Jesus with perfume while He was reclining at the table in the home of Simon the leper as recorded in Mark 14:3-9?



When Judas made arrangements to betray Jesus (Mark 14:10-11) and then when Jesus predicted His betrayal in Mark 14:18-21, this was not a surprise to God or Jesus. All of this had been known and prophesied beforehand. Read Zechariah 11:12-13. Then write it here:





Also, FYI, 30 pieces of silver was the price of a slave. (Read Exodus 21:32 and write it here.)



So, even the betrayal by Judas had been prophesied in the Old Testament. In Zechariah this had been prophesied as a type (ie. An event which occurred but which had a double meaning.)

Yes, the event in Zechariah did actually happen in Zechariah´s day but it foretold / illustrated / prophesied a future event in its details. This is a common way that prophecy was given in scripture. Watch for it. You will notice that many seemingly unusual or odd things recorded in the O.T. were actually done and recorded for the purpose of identifying, illustrating, or prophesying specific events and or details which will occur years or centuries later. This particular event in Zechariah, which occurred over 500 years before Judas actually did his dastardly deed, is but one of many examples. How could the O.T. writers have known such details, you ask? Well, they couldn´t unless they had been inspired and or told by God, which, of course, they were. So this is just one more confirmation that the Bible IS God s word and that all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness ... (2 Timothy 3:16).

But, back to our study at hand. You are probably wondering about the part of Zechariah´s type prophecy which tells of throwing the 30 pieces of silver ... to the potter. Well, that was fulfilled by Judas also. Read Matthew 27:3-10.

-----Pause while you read Matthew 27:3-10-----

Wow! But, we must continue on. Time is passing, for Jesus and for us in this study. The events of the anointing of Jesus with oil for His soon coming death and burial and the plans by Judas for the betrayal of Jesus probably occurred on our Tuesday night (ie. The beginning of the Jewish Wednesday), 2 days before the Passover and the feast of unleavened bread. At least, for argument´s sake, let´s go with that time table since 2 out of 3 gospels report it that way. Now let´s look at the next recorded event in Jesus´ final days. Read Mark 14:12-26.

-----Pause while you read Mark 14:12-26-----

Mark 14:1 speaks of the First day of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread and the Passover lamb. For those of us who are not Jews or are not familiar with the details of Passover, let´s do a bit of background search before we actually look at the specific event of the Lord´s supper as recorded for us by Mark If you have the time and the resource materials, you can research this further for yourself, but if not, here is what I have discovered and summarized for you concerning the Passover and the Feast of the unleavened bread:

Passover is the Jewish festival celebrated annually since their exodus from Egypt in about 1491 BC. It commemorates the time when the angel of the Lord passed over the homes of Jews without killing their firstborn sons but while killing all the firstborn of the Egyptians. The death angel passed over the homes of the Israelites / Hebrews / Jews because they had, in obedience to God s command, put the blood of the Passover lamb on their door posts as a sign to the death angel to pass over their homes and not kill their firstborn. They were protected by obedience to God and the blood of the lamb. Hmmm. Hold that thought.

The Jews were living as slaves in Egypt at that time and this was the final plague of God in a series of 10 plagues intended to obtain their release from Egyptian enslavement. While their firstborn were protected from the death angel by the blood of the lamb, the firstborn of the Egyptians, not having this protection, were all slain that night.

Stop now and read about this event in Exodus 11:1-12:30.


-----Pause while you read Exodus 11:1-12:30-----

Knowing this background of Passover will help you to better understand the significance of the Passover meal. Passover and the Passover meal and the Passover lamb and many other components of this festival are also types in that there is much prophetic significance pictured in all of these things. And In Christ we see the fulfillment of many of these types. I wish we had time to really study this in detail, but, unfortunately we don´t. However, we will look at a few of the significant comparisons and fulfillments.

During the days of the enslavement of the Jews by the Egyptians, did they need to be freed from slavery?Circle your answer:.......YES.............NO

Did God tell the Jews how to be protected from the death angel?........YES...........NO

What did God tell them to do? (Exodus 12:3,6,8)





What did the blood of the lamb DO for them? (Exodus 12:12-13)



Is mankind today enslaved (by sin)? (Hint: read Romans 3:9-18, 23 before you answer)

Circle your answer.............YES............NO

Is there a way to escape the death penalty of sin? (Hint: read Romans 3:21-25)....YES...... NO


How can a person escape the spiritual death caused by sin? Is there a blood covering for us today just as there was a protection by the blood for the Jews in Exodus 12?

Circle your answer:...........YES.........NO...........Don´t Know

What is the source of this blood that can protect and redeem us? (Romans 3:21-26)




How did Isaiah prophetically describe Jesus in Isaiah 53:7? Write that verse here:




How did John the Baptist describe Jesus in John 1:29 ? Write that verse here:



Paul, understanding the full significance of the Passover meal and of the blood of the Lamb, described Jesus in I Corinthians 5:7. He said ...Christ our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed. Explain what this means:




Peter also later referred to Jesus as the Lamb. Read I Peter 1:18-19. Write those verses here:






Explain what Peter meant by his statement.




And there are numerous other references to Jesus as being the Lamb in Revelation. Some of these are Revelation 5:6,8,12, and 13. Read those now.

-----Pause while you read Rev. 5:6,8,12,13-----

As you know, Jesus had predicted His death many times. In addition to those occasion which you have noted on your predictions chart, here are a few more:

In John 10:11, Jesus predicted His death would be ________________________________.

In Matthew 20:28, Jesus predicted that His death would be___________________________.

And in Matthew 26:28, Jesus said His death would be _____________________________.

Now, read again Mark 14:22-24.

When Jesus said, ...this is my Body...this is my blood... What did he mean? Could this have been a reference to the Passover lamb? Explain..




Wow! Awesome! The Passover meal which Jesus observed with His disciples just hours before His death was more than just another annual observance of the Jewish Passover feast. Christ had actually revealed that the Passover meal is a type! Jesus was the real Passover lamb, the fulfillment of the type which they had commemorated for almost 1500 years! This final Passover feast was to be replaced with the Lord´s Supper!

Maclaren explains this for us. He says:

"The institution of the Lord s supper ... makes prominent two things -- the significance of the elements, and the command to partake of them. ... The Passover was to Israel the commemoration of their redemption from captivity and their birth as a nation. Jesus puts aside this Divinely-appointed and venerable festival to set in its stead the remembrance of Himself. That night, to be much remembered of the children of Israel, is to be forgotten and come no more into the number of the months; and its empty place is to be filled by the memory of the hours then passing. Surely His act was either arrogance or the calm consciousness of the unique significance and the power of His death. ... Christ´s view of His death is written unmistakably on the Lord´s Supper. ... He is the true Passover Lamb, whose shed and sprinkled blood establishes new bonds of amity and new relations, with tender and wonderful reciprocal obligations between God and the many who truly partake of that sacrifice. The key words of Judaism -- sacrifice, covenant, sprinkling with blood --- are taken over into Christianity, and the ideas they represent are set in its center, to be cherished in its life. The Lord´s Supper is the conclusive answer to the allegation that Christ did not teach the sacrificial character and atoning power of His death. What, then, did He teach when He said, This is My blood of the covenant, which is shed for many ? The Passover was a family festival, and that characteristic passes over to the Lord s Supper. Christ is not only the food on which we feed, but the head of the family and the distributor of the banquet. He is the feast and the Governor of the feast and all who sit at that table are brethren. One life is in them all, and they are one as partakers of One. The Lord´s supper is a visible symbol of the Christian life, which should not only be lived in remembrance of Him, but consists in partaking by faith of His life, and incorporating it in ours until we come to the measure of perfect men, which we reach when we can say, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. "

Then, when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. (Mark 14:26). We will continue at this point in our study in section 3. Now spend the rest of your time today thinking upon the awesome truth that Jesus Christ is the Passover Lamb and that it is His Blood that provides atonement for sins, yours - mine - and of anyone who will put that blood of the door posts of their heart! Have You?

Section 3

In our study in section 2, we saw the prophetic significance of the Passover feast which the Jews had observed for centuries. We now understand that Jesus Christ had come to earth on this His first coming to BE the Passover Lamb! Therefore, there is more to Passover than to just commemorate the escape of the Jewish nation from their slavery and bondage to Egypt, as necessary as that was. We now see that the event of the Passover is also a prophetic type which foretold of a future coming of the sacrifice to redeem /rescue mankind from the bondage and slavery to sin and to restore those who would, in obedience, accept Jesus´ blood sacrifice and place it on the door posts of their heart and thereby escape the death penalty of sin.

So we now know the REAL purpose of WHY Jesus came to earth at this His first coming! It was to be the ________________________and to ____________________________________.

Now we understand why Jesus could not let the people make Him King at this time! He did not come to be ___________ but to be the _______________________________.

But, of course, in order to be the sacrificial Passover Lamb, He first has to die. So, let´s continue reading in Mark and observe the series of events which will rapidly unfold as Jesus goes to His death on this Passover day, Friday, Nisan 15. Passover began at sundown Thursday as Nisan 14 ended and Passover Friday, now remembered in history as Good Friday, Nisan 15 began. The first event on Passover was the observance of the Passover meal by Jesus and His disciples. Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mt. of Olives. Read Mark 14:26-15:15.

-----Pause while you Read Mark 14:26-15:15-----

When Jesus said, it is written... , He quoted from Zechariah 13:7 which had been written in about 487 BC. Read that passage and write it here:




Who did Jesus, by His quoting this passage, indicate was the shepherd? = ________________

And what was going to happen to Him, the good shepherd? ___________________________.

Who were the sheep? _________________________________________ .

What was going to happen to the sheep? ________________________________________ .

Amazing! Another prophecy was about to be fulfilled!

? How did Peter respond to this prophecy? (Mark 14:29)



But what did Jesus say Peter would do? (14:30)



Did Jesus prophecy concerning Peter come true? (14:53-72)? Circle your answer:..YES....NO




Did Jesus´ prophecy, which He had given during the Passover meal (Mark 14:18), about one of them betraying Him come true? Circle your answer.........YES.........NO

Explain: (Hint: read Mark 14:41-46)




During the arrest of Jesus, we are told of an interesting event, of someone cutting off the ear of the servant of the High Priest.(Mark 14:47). Who was the person who drew the sword and cut off the ear? (Hint: read John 18:10). = ____________________________________ .

? What did Jesus do about this? (Hint: Read Luke 22:51).


Interesting! Leave it to Luke, the Physician, to be the only one of the 4 gospel writers to tell us this detail that Jesus healed the ear.

And there is still another interesting vingiette recorded for us in Mark 14:51-52. As everyone was deserting and fleeing, a young man also fled. Who was this young man? (No one really knows with certainty, but who do you think it might be and why?)



So here we are! It is dark, possibly approaching or after midnight and Jesus has been arrested and taken to the High Priest. And now the trials and hearings begin as the High Priest, Chief Priests, elders, and TOTLs (teachers of the law) come together to (Mark 14:55) ___________

________________________________________________________________________ .

But did they find any? (14:53) ...........YES............NO

Finally the High Priest asked Jesus, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?

How did Jesus answer this question? (Mark 14:62). Write Jesus exact words here:



Would you say, based on this answer that Jesus claimed to be God?.......YES......NO

Did the High Priest think Jesus claimed to be God?............YES.........NO

Do the words of Jesus concerning His sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming in the clouds of heaven remind you of anything He has said previously? What?

(Hint: Read Mark 13:26 and don´t forget what you read in Daniel and Revelation.)




Well, the High Priest and the Sanhedrin are convinced that they have a case now against Jesus,

but according to the Roman law, the Jews could not carry out capital punishment, so Jesus now

has to be handed over to the Roman Court System to be tried and executed. So, as Mark reports

in 15:1 they



However, the charge the Jewish leaders tell Pilate is that Jesus has been found to be (Luke 23:2)




Hmmmmm. Opposes the payment of taxes to Caesar? Is that true???........YES.........NO

Explain your answer. (Hint: Remember Mark 12:13-17).




But Pilate asks Jesus about the charge that He (Jesus) is King.

What specifically did Pilate ask and why? (Mark 15:2)



How does Christ answer this? (Hint: read Mark 15:2 and John 18:28-37)





What was Pilate´s conclusion concerning Jesus´ guilt and what did Pilate do?

(John 18:38-19:16)



So, Barabbas, whose name means Son of the Father (BAR= son of + ABBA = Father) was released and Jesus, THE Son of THE Father was handed over to be crucified !

Section 4

Read Mark 15:12-47 and 16:1-8 and, as you read, mark every occurrence of the word CRUCIFY and any words or phrases used in place of that word. Also mark every occurrence of dead, die, died, or synonyms (words or phrases) used in place of these words. I marked these words by putting a black circle around the word or phrases referring to crucify and a black box around dead, die, etc. Of course, you may use any symbol or color which you prefer.

-----Pause while you do this assignment-----

What happened before Jesus was crucified? (Mark 15:15-23)





In Mark 15:23, Jesus was offered ____________________________________________ .


Read Proverbs 31:4-7 and write it here:






The myrrh was mixed with wine to act as a narcotic to deaden pain and lessen the torture. Why did Jesus NOT accept this drink?



Mark 15:25 reveals that the soldiers divided up Jesus clothes and cast lots to see what each would get. Amazingly, this, too, had been predicted centuries before this actually happened. Read Psalm 22:18.



In fact, not only this, but many details of the crucifixion and death and resurrection of Jesus had been predicted centuries before they occurred. King David, who wrote Psalm 22, lived approximately 1000 Years before Jesus. In fact, at the time when David penned his Psalms, Rome had not yet been established as a nation and crucifixion had not yet been developed as a method of execution!

Let´s prove to ourselves that many details HAD been previously prophesied.

Read Psalm 22:1-18 and Isaiah 53:1-12, and, as you read, on the chart below, list in the first column, the specific prophecy and in the second column, the fulfillment of the prophecy as recorded in Mark or elsewhere in scripture. I will do the first one for you as an example.(And I am sorry for the dots but that is the only way I can get this to line up on my web browser.)

What was Predicted ......................The Fulfillment (what happened)

Ps. 22:18......They divided my garments among them .................. Mark 15:24 dividing up His clothes, they

......................and cast lots for my clothing.............................................................cast lots to see what each would get

















In Mark 15:29-30, we read that those who passed by hurled insults at Him (Jesus Christ), shaking their heads and saying, so you who were going to destroy the temple and build it in 3 days, come down from the cross and save yourself.

When Jesus had spoken of the temple, to what was He referring and what was He really saying? (Hint: read John 2:18-22 before you answer)



And did this happen? Was the Temple of Jesus body destroyed (by death) and did He return to life after 3 days and, therefore, rebuild the temple of His body? Circle your answer...YES....NO

Why did Jesus NOT come down from the cross and save Himself? What would have happened to us if He had done that? If He had come down? If He had not died for our sins? Before you answer, let´s consider some scriptures and the purpose of Jesus life, death, and resurrection. Read the following scriptures.

Matthew 20:28



I Peter 2:24



2 Corinthians 5:21



Galatians 3:13



Isaiah 53:6



Revelation 5:9



Now, let me ask you that question again. Why did Jesus NOT come down from the cross and save Himself? What would have happened to us if He had done that and had not died on the cross?



Yes, Jesus HAD to stay on the cross and NOT come down because it was ONLY by His sacrificial death that He could ransom us from the penalty of our sins. He paid that penalty for us! He bore our griefs. He carried our sorrows. All our sins were laid on Him. And He paid the penalty! This was the ONLY way that we could be redeemed from the curse of sin.

IF He had come down before He died, we could never be forgiven for our sins. Therefore, we would be eternally separated from God and would spend eternity burning in the fires of hell. (And YES, there IS a hell and it does burn with fire.)

So, Christ stayed on the Cross and did not come down. Because of His great love for us, He stayed and bore our sins, paid their penalty with His life, rescued us from hell, and restored us to right standing (righteousness) with God. Therefore, the hour of Jesus death was the climax of His SERVICE to the world!


So Christ went to the cross -- and stayed on the cross -- to die for sinners.

At what time did the crucifixion begin? (Mark 15:25) ____________________________

FYI, the third hour = 9 AM.

At what time did Christ die? (Mark 15:34-39) _________________________________

FYI, the 9th hour = 3PM

What happened at the 6th hour (Noon) (Mark 15:33) ____________________________

How long did this darkness last? (Mark 15:33) ____________________________________

Carter explains this darkness:

"The darkness of that day cannot be accounted for naturally. It could not have been an eclipse, because it was at the wrong time of the moon-month. The only thing that can be said is that it was miraculous, that in some way God took away the light of the sun; and we waste our time and effort if we try to explain how it was done. At that time when the Father would deal with the Son for us, it was fitting that a curtain of darkness should hide the suffering Savior from His jeering tormentors and from His sorrowing friends. Indeed, the taunting and jeering doubtless subsided after the darkness enshrouded the land; and Jesus was left to suffer in silence. Most surely it was during those hours of darkness that God laid on Him the iniquity of us all (Isa. 53:6), that He bore our sins in His body on the tree (I Peter 2:24), that He was made to be sin for us (2 Cor 5:21, that God sent Him forth to be a His blood (Rom 3:25). In some way He was experiencing the woes of the outer darkness (Matt 8:12) in order that He might impart the light of life to those who follow Him (John 8:12). This was the deep suffering of which the agony in the garden was in anticipation. "

Then at 3 PM (the 9th hour), what happened? List the events in sequence.





Mark 15:38 tells us that at the time of Jesus death, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

What was this curtain? What was its purpose and where was it located (ie.What did it separate?) (Hint: read Exodus 26:31-33)





What did the tearing of this curtain in two represent and accomplish?

(Hint: read Hebrews 10:19-20)






WOW! Because Jesus paid the death penalty for sin, including yours and mine, His body, torn in death, enabled us to have access to God! There is no longer any barrier! There is NO longer a curtain dividing the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. Jesus´ body, the dividing curtain, has been torn! The barrier is gone! The penalty for our sins has been paid! Therefore, if we accept Jesus´ offer of salvation, we can have direct access to God!!!

On what day did this happen? Circle the correct answers:


What Jewish day will begin at sundown, in just about 3 hours. (Since Jesus died at 3 pm and sundown is at 6 pm). Circle your answer:

SUN....... MON........ TUES........ WED..........THURS..........FRI .........SATURDAY ( The Jewish SABBATH)

And what happens on the Sabbath? (Hint read Exodus 31:14-17 and Numbers 15:32-36.)





So, Christ died at 3pm on Passover (Friday, Nisan 15), 3 hours before the Sabbath is to begin. Since the Sabbath is holy and is a day upon which no work is to be done, Christ MUST be buried (or entombed) before Sabbath begins! Knowing this, you can understand the urgency of Christ´s burial and the necessity for speed in the 3 hours remaining before sunset to get this done.

What happened in those brief hours between Christ´s death at 3 pm and the beginning of the Sabbath at Sundown (6 pm)? Summarize the events here:






Section 5

So Jesus died on Passover and paid the death penalty for our sins. He was buried just before sundown on that Friday. Then, at 6 pm the Sabbath began. No work was done because this was the day of rest and worship. When the Sabbath (Saturday) was over at 6pm, and it was officially the first day of the week (Sunday), it was OK to work and resume the usual daily activities.

Therefore, 3 women, (Mark 16:1) ______________________ , ______________________, and _______________________ went to purchase spices to anoint Jesus body. But, since darkness was falling or had fallen, they only purchased the spices and did not go to the tomb. Instead, they waited through the night until it was almost dawn and then __________________ , _______________________, and ________________ went. Let s read what happened.

Read Mark 16:1-20, and as you read, mark every occurrence of any words indicating that Jesus had risen from the dead (risen, rose, alive, etc.) Also mark words that indicate that He was seen by others ( appear, appeared, etc).

------Pause while you read and mark-----

What happened? Summarize what the women learned and how they learned it.








Yes! Amazing! Astounding! Can this be true?!! Jesus is ALIVE !!!! He has risen from the dead!!

Even more details are given in the parallel accounts! Let´s read more and find out as much as we can about this MIRACLE of Jesus Christ´s resurrection from the dead!

Read Matthew 28:1-20, Luke 24:1-50 and John Chapters 20 and 21.

-----Pause while you read-----

Wow! Jesus really did arise from the dead! Just as He had predicted. And He is STILL alive today! He did not die again! And He never will! He lives eternally!

Furthermore, Jesus appeared to many people. This was not a secret resurrection! Many recorded eyewitness accounts attest to the fact that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. Some of these are recorded for us in the Gospels and in the N.T. Let s look at some of them.

Read the following scriptures and note on the chart below, the day or time of the appearance of Jesus, the eyewitness(s) of His resurrection, where this occurred, and a brief summary of what happened or what they saw or heard. I will begin the first one for you.

SCRIPTURE ......WHEN...............................TO WHOM ........WHERE............ SUMMARY OF WHAT HAPPENED

Matt. 28:1-10.....Early Sunday morning..... 3 women......At empty tomb.......




John 20:1-18





Luke 24:13-35




Luke 24:34



John 20:19-25




John 20:26-31




John 21:1-23




Matt 28:16-20.




Acts 15:6



Acts 15:7



Luke 24:44-49


Acts 1:1-11



Hmmmmm. Pretty convincing evidence that Jesus did not stay dead! He did arise after 3 days, just as He said He would. And, He is still alive today!


Well, as we come to the end of our study of the Gospel of Mark, we see that Mark really did TELL US ABOUT JESUS. And what did Mark tell us? Well many things.

Matthew presented Jesus as King. Luke tells that Jesus is the Son of Man. John revealed the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. And Mark presented Jesus as the __________________.

We know that there are to be 2 Comings of Jesus Christ and that the purpose of each coming is markedly different. Yes, Christ IS the King and He was born to wear a crown! But, the crown that Jesus Christ wore during His first coming was a CROWN of THORNS because the purpose of His first coming was to suffer and die and to redeem mankind from the curse and penalty of sin. His death was the climax of His service to the world. His resurrection confirms His Godship and authority.

When Jesus comes again, the crown that He will wear will be the ROYAL DIADEM, THE CROWN OF THE KING! He will indeed be King over all the world! Over everyone and everything! And at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and King, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11)

Christ did indeed come to provide a way for man to escape the curse and penalty of sin.

Henrietta Mears has so correctly stated: " The greatest sin of this age, as of every age, is the rejection of Jesus Christ. Yet, remember that everyone who has heard the Gospel must either accept the Lord as Savior, or trample Him underfoot. The people of Jesus´ day made their choice and the people of our day must make theirs. This wonderful Presence that shines forth in the Gospels, this vision of God in the flesh -- are you to look and then pass on, as though you had but seen a work of art? This Voice that sounds throughout the centuries, are you to listen as though it were just the voice of a gifted orator? What is Jesus to you? A name? Or your Master? If you cannot answer the question as Peter did, will you not sign this covenant, worded by Dr. R.A. Torrey?


I Promise to examine carefully the evidence that the Bible is God´s book , and Jesus Christ is God´s Son and man´s Savior; and if I find reason to believe that this book is true and He is man´s Savior, I will accept Him and confess Him before men, and undertake to follow Him."


(Signed) _________________________________________________________________________

Jesus´ sacrificial death has provided the way of escape from sin and the way to Righteousness, joy, peace, and fellowship with God. Jesus´ body was torn and His blood poured out as the sacrifice for us. He did this while wearing a Servant´s Crown of Thorns. He was indeed God´s servant and ours. He died for you and me. If you choose now to accept His offer of Salvation and thereby enter into His now invisible Kingdom of God, He will be your King and you will be in joyful fellowship with Him, a citizen of His Kingdom.

When Jesus comes again, He will wear the King´s Crown. He will establish the visible Kingdom of God, the Kingdom over which He will rule eternally! If you have not acknowledged His rulership as your King at the time He comes wearing the King´s Crown, He will not come as your king, but as your JUDGE! One way or another, your knee will bow before Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the King and ruler of everything and everyone. Either you will bow your knee to His Lordship over you now and let Him be your King. Or you will bow your knee to Him as your Judge. Your unforgiven sins will condemn you to eternity in Hell. He, as your Judge will have no other choice. If you refuse His offer of salvation and forgiveness now, there will be NO second chance after He comes as King wearing the King s crown.

My prayer is that your knee will bow to Him as your King and Lord and Master when He comes to establish His VISIBLE Kingdom and as He welcomes you and His other redeemed ones into His Kingdom. I will be looking forward to meeting you there!

For the Glory of God !



References Cited in this Lesson

Maclaren, Alexander. The Gospel of St. Mark. Maclaren s Bible Class Expositions. Zondervan Publishing House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. ?1908. Pages 171-173.


Carter. Layman s Harmony of the Gospel. Op Cit. Page 329.


Henrietta Meyers, Op. Cit. Page 387-8

© 1996 "Yes Lord" Ministries

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