Leviticus Lesson 6

© 2000 "Yes Lord" Ministries



Lesson 6


Hi ! And Welcome Back again.

Wow, hasn't this been an interesting study of the Book of Leviticus ! And, we are still only in the first half of the Book! Astounding!

In Lesson 1 we discovered that Leviticus can be subdivided into 2 main divisions or parts. Look back at Lesson 1, and in the blank below, write what the first half of Leviticus is teaching:

Chapters 1-16 = ___________________________________________________________

Chapters 17-27 = ___The Walk of Holiness before God by separation from the world._______

Yes, in the first half of Leviticus, God is teaching His young Nation (The Israelites) the way to approach and worship Him by Sacrifices and offerings and He gives them very specific details concerning acceptable (and unacceptable) Sacrifices and Offerings, what the Priests are to wear and do, and many other details concerning holiness and UNholiness.

We've also seen that the Sacrifices and Offerings and even the garments of the High Priest picture (as shadows) their future fulfillment in the once and for all atoning substitutionary sacrifice of The Lord God Jesus Christ.

And, we've seen the difference between Holy and UNholy Sacrifices and offerings and the consequences of each.

Now, in this lesson, we will be considering many of the conditions and situations which would cause a person or thing to be UNholy. And we will look at God's laws concerning how these situations must be handled in order to restore holiness.

But, you ask, why is all this necessary? Why must a person or thing be holy or be restored to holiness?

Good question. And, basically the answer is because God commands that we be holy. You read this previously in Leviticus 19:2. But, read it again. And, then write that verse and the one before it (for context) in the space below:

Leviticus 19:1-2




Yes, God has commanded His followers to "Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy."

And, why is it essential that God's followers and worshippers be holy? Because ( fill in the blank in the statement below )

UNholy persons and Unholy things can ________ come into or be in the presence of a Holy God.

A person must be Holy in order to worship, fellowship with, or serve a Holy God because UNholy (unclean) persons and UNholy (unclean) things can NOT come into the presence of a Holy God. Therefore, as we have seen in the previous lessons, the offerings and sacrifices, described in Chapters 1 - 10 are necessary because they function to return an UNholy person or thing to a state of holiness, even though providing only temporary coverings for the sins and conditions that produced the UNholiness. (The permanent solution was pictured by these offerings and sacrifices. And that permanent solution is now known and available to anyone who will accept it as the permanent covering and atonement for sin and UNholiness. That permanent solution is Jesus Christ and His sacrificial substitute death. ...)

So, with that in mind, in this lesson, we will look at several specific situations or circumstances which cause a person or thing to become UNholy (unclean). And we will also discover what God tells the Israelites to do in order to be restored to holiness (cleanness) after these situations and circumstances.

And, you guessed it, it is time for an assignment. Read Chapters 11 - 15 of Leviticus. Now, don't panic! Yes, this is a rather long passage, but, all we want to do is to see the big picture of what these chapters contain. So, as you read these 5 chapters, just look for the main topic or subject (thing talked about the most) for each chapter. And, as you discover it, write it in the little summary area provided here for you. (I will do the first one for you as an example.)


Cleanness and Uncleanness

( and Laws re. How to be restored to Holiness if Unclean )

Chapter 11 = Clean & Unclean Animals -- You may only eat clean animals for food


Chapter 12 =


Chapter 13 & 14 =


Chapter 15 =


Finished? Great! And I assume that you discovered the several specific areas or topics of cleanness and uncleanness and the precise laws and guidelines for handling each specific area so that a person could be cleansed and restored to holiness.

Then, having been cleansed and restored, he or she could once again approach, worship, serve, and fellowship with their Holy God.

And, this, after all, is what is important and necessary in life. For life without God, in the long run, is meaningless, useless, and miserable. Yes, a person may have temporary wealth, fame, fun, pleasures, and excitement. But all of these are fleeting and, over the long run of life and eternity, temporal pleasures and things without God are ultimately empty and meaningless. Only a life in which a person is worshiping and serving the Holy God of the Universe is a life that will bring the joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment that we earnestly desire and which God originally planned and still desires for all mankind to have.

Therefore, God's rules, laws, and commands are not intended to put us in a straight jacket. Rather, they are intended to enable us to live lives of fulfillment, joy, purpose, and peace. And, it is only when we let God be our God and Master and when we let Him cleanse us from sin (UNholiness) and restore us to a holy relationship with Him, that we will find this possible.

But, back to the topic at hand. We were discussing the various topics that are covered in these 5 chapters. And I assume that you have discovered and recorded your summary thoughts for these chapters. And, if you are wondering, this is what I wrote for each of my "summary statements."

Chapter 11 = Clean & Unclean Animals -- (You may only eat clean animals for food)

Chapter 12 = Cleansing and Purification after Childbirth

Chapter 13 & 14 = Skin diseases & Mildew (how to treat & be cleansed from) (Dx and Rx)

Chapter 15 = Uncleanness from various bodily discharges

Now, if you did not use those exact words, not to worry. All of us use different words to say the same thing. So, if your summary statements seem to be talking about the same areas, subjects, or topics -- then great! You are correct.

And, yes, we could spend much time on each of these topics, but we don't have that much time now. However, if some of these are of special interest to you, you can personally do a more in-depth study. In your Bible you'll probably find scripture cross references in the margins or in a center column of each page. That is always the first and best place to start your search for additional information and insights into this or any passage about which you want to know more.

So, even though what we will do in this lesson will be limited when compared to the study that could be done on each of these subjects, let's continue on and look very briefly at these 5 Chapters and the subjects (topics) they covered.

And, as we begin, you are probably wondering what all this detailed information (these rules and regulations about animals and skin diseases and childbirth and mildew and etc.) has to do with the concept of holiness, the over-riding theme of the Book of Leviticus.

Well, actually, these things have a lot do do with understanding more about holiness (and UNholiness).

Indeed, you probably noticed (and may have even underlined or highlighted) a verse near the end of these 5 Chapters -- a verse which explained why all these rules, regulations, and laws were so important. That verse is Lev. 15:31. Go back and read it again in your Bible, and if you haven't already underlined or highlighted it, do that now.

(And, as a side note -- don't feel bad if you didn't underline it before -- for, even if you saw it and wanted to, you probably didn't because you weren't "told to". In fact, I told you to just read and to not mark anything -- but sometimes something just stands out so prominently that it just insists on being highlighted. This was one of those situations. So, in the future, when you want to highlight something that you weren't told to highlight, of course, you may! And Please do! The Holy Spirit was obviously showing you something very important! And when He does that, make a note of it, whether I or anyone else told you to or not. The only caution is that you don't want to get sidetracked and spend a lot of time on other thoughts. That is why I said in your "assignment" to just look for the subjects. I didn't want you to get sidetracked. But, this is one of those instances where it would have been OK. )

But, we digress. Let's get back to the subject at hand, which is: what does all this detailed information, about clean and unclean animals and skin diseases and childbirth and mildew and etc, have to do with the concept of holiness?

And Leviticus 15:31 answers that question. And you have just read that verse. But, to make this stand out even more indelibly in your mind and heart, let's not just read that verse, let's write it down also. So, in the space below, write out that verse.

Leviticus 15:31





Hmmmmm. Very interesting! The Lord told Moses to tell the people that the reason they were to be so concerned about whether something is clean or unclean, or what to do if a persons has a discharge, or etc. is that these laws and regulations have a very important purpose. And that purpose is that the Israelites will be kept "separate from things that make them unclean so they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling My dwelling place which is among them."

Indeed, we saw very clearly in our last lesson what happens when a person or persons attempt to approach God and His dwelling place when they are UNholy or by UNholy (unapproved) methods. God is here trying to prevent such things from happening.

God desires for His people (the Nation Israel, the Israelites) to be able to approach Him and worship Him. Therefore, God is telling them some of the many (we will learn about more in other chapters in Leviticus and even more are detailed elsewhere in the Bible) things that could cause them to be UNholy and, therefore, unable to approach Him, because, if they did, in that UNholy state, they would be destroyed.

God does NOT want anyone to be destroyed or to go to hell ! That is why He sent His Son, Jesus, to die in their (and our) place as a substitute. But, the Book of Leviticus and the events in it, occurred about 1500 years BEFORE Jesus came. So the things they are being told now are intended to enable them to be restored to holiness with the temporary covering that the sacrifices, offerings, and adherence to the various rules and regulations will provide. These interim solutions are important and necessary and must be observed UNTIL the time of the the final permanent and one time for all sacrifice and offering presented by Jesus in His death.

So, knowing that these things are really important and of great consequence, let's look at these various categories. And we will begin with the laws concerning clean and unclean animals, especially as this relates to food. This information is, of course, provided in Chapter 11.

So, your assignment now is to re-read chapter 11, and in the chart below, list the clean animals, the unclean animals, and, if a reason is given for why they are clean (and therefore edible) or unclean (and therefore forbidden for food), put that information or insight in the third column, labeled "why". And, if no specific reason is given, but you can think of a possible reason why God might be warning them away from a particular animal or insect or whatever, put that "supposition" in the column also. But, be sure to write your "suppositions" in a different color than the color you used for the definite God-given reason provided in the Bible. That way you will, in the future, be able to tell at a glance whether the information is "cast in stone" (i.e. from God) or is "just a thought", which may or may not be what God had in mind when He laid down His rules and laws. (For example, I used black to record the reason as given in the Bible and red for my suppositions. And, as usual, I will do the first few for you as an example of how to do this chart.) If there is not enough room on this chart, you can use extra paper.

Ok -- with that said, Read chapter 11 of Leviticus and fill in the chart below.


Clean & Unclean "Animals" -- You may only eat clean animals for food

. .


Hmmmmm. Very interesting.

And, wow, there are many rules about what to eat and what not to eat. And, some of of these prohibitions don't really seem to have a "reason" other than that there must be something that God knows that we don't.

Yet, in many instances, you probably did have a "supposition" as to what God had in mind. For example, many of the things they were told to NOT eat are actually scavengers. This means that their food is dead and decaying things. Think about, for example, what oysters eat (arg! They slurp up the scum on the bottom of the ocean and the 'you know what' that is in the slime and scum) and likewise do catfish (they don't have scales). They are also bottom feeders! Eating these unclean things could easily result in getting hepatitis (from raw oysters especially) and other diseases. Arg. And, these are just two examples. And, those of you with a Medical background, can readily see that many of these prohibitions (for example, pigs -- carry and transmit trichinosis) are actually wise instructions which, if adhered to on dietary and health reasons alone, would warrant being obeyed.

But, you say, those laws and rules concerning food don't count any more -- we are in the day of Grace. Didn't Jesus make all these laws obsolete when he taught (in Matthew 15:17-20) that it is not what goes into the mouth but what comes out of it that defiles a man. And Paul also said (in Romans 14:14) that there is nothing unclean of itself.

Yes! Those things are true and it is wonderful that you are paying attention and thought of this. But, while technically all of these specific laws have become void and obsolete, along with the sacrifices and offerings, yet they still teach a principle which has NOT become obsolete. And that principle is that our entire life, including what we eat and what we drink, and all the other laws that we find in the OT, can be summed up in this: Whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God. (I Cor. 10:31). And also remember that Jesus also said, Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law ... I have come, not to do away with or undo, but to complete and fulfill it. (Matt. 5:17)

So, Yes, technically, these rules and laws are not binding today and eating oysters, pork, catfish, etc. will not make a person unclean or condemned to hell. It is the failure to accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ that will condemn a person to hell. But, when you stop and look closely at some of these commands and of those relating to many of the other things discussed in these 5 chapters (skin diseases, mildew, purification from bodily discharges, and etc), realize that there are also important health reasons involved in many of these laws. Therefore, a person would be unwise to flaunt their "freedom" when that flaunting might cause them to end up with a disease or an illness. So, yes, enjoy your freedom, but cook your oysters!

But, we must continue on. -- And you can see now what I meant when saying that this will have to be brief and much more could be considered in each of the topics of these 5 Chapters.

Let's look now at Chapter 12, the Chapter concerning _______________________________ .

Reread Chapter 12 and as you read, as as you did before, fill in the summary information on the chart below :


Cleansing and Purification after Childbirth



Well, that was interesting and again, those of you who have Medical backgrounds probably understood more about this section that those who don't. And, as with the clean and unclean foods, there are medical and hygienic principles embodied in these commands.

Take, for example, the requirement that a baby boy be circumcised on the 8th day. In addition to the spiritual principles, including the fact that circumcision is a Covenant requirement for the Jewish people, this also has a good medical reason. For, it is on the 8th day after birth, that the clotting factor levels are at their peak! They are lower at birth, rise on each successive day after birth, and on the 8th day they are at their maximum. They then fall over the next few days, weeks, and months, to their "normal" levels. God knew this. So, He told His people to circumcise their children at the exact time when it would be the safest, the time when the baby would be best able to handle the surgical procedure and not bleed excessively. Astounding. Awesome. What a gracious and loving God. He Knew this. But the people did not know this "reason". They just obeyed. It was not until 3500 years later, in the 20th Century when Science and Medicine finally discovered this information about clotting factors and understood the WHY of this particular command.


Our God is so wise and so kind. His Laws and prohibitions are not meant to be harsh and mean, but, to enable us to have happier, healthier, and longer lives. If we would just listen to Him and quit trying to ... do things my way....

But, again, we must continue on. So, let's look now at Chapters 13 and 14 which are on the topics of Skin diseases & Mildew & how to treat & be cleansed from them (ie. their Dx and Rx).

But, before you begin your next assignment, let me say this about that. You may be reading a version of a Bible that refers to all of the skin diseases in these two chapters as LEPROSY. Other Versions (Translations) make a distinction between Leprosy and the various other kinds of Skin Diseases that existed at that time. So, to help clarify this situation, let me quote from a footnote in the Amplified Bible on this subject as I think it will help you understand this section better:

"Authorities are generally agreed that there was certainly true leprosy as it is known today in the Near East in New Testament times. But from the details of the disease in Lev. 13, it is believed that other very serious skin disorders were also included under the heading of leprosy in earlier times. Leprosy in the Old Testament, therefore, is not to be considered as confined to the traits by which it is known today, but rather defined by the symptoms, the treatment, and the history of individual cases as recorded in Leviticus and elsewhere. That it was worse than death is implied by the words of Aaron when his sister Miriam was stricken with it, "Oh, my lord (Moses) ... let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he is born!" (Numbers 12:12).


From The Amplified Old Testament Part 1 Genesis - Esther; 1964 Zondervan Publishing House. p339


Ok, with that said, it is time for another assignment. So, as we have done before, Read Chapters 13 & 14, and fill in the information on the following chart:. Don't go into a lot of detail. We just want to get the really big and main points. And this time we will do this in a Question and Answer format so as to not get bogged down in details. Ok? Ok.



Skin diseases & Mildew & how to treat & be cleansed from them

(ie. their Dx and Rx)




Well, obviously that was the SHORT version of what was covered in those two chapters, but most of the essential concepts were covered.

Again, there is much that could be said and there are many types and shadows portrayed in the various thoughts and concepts in these chapters. But we really do not have time to go into these now. It is enough that we understand that uncleanness of any kind must be removed. And, uncleanness that can not be cured must be disposed of!

And, it is interesting that washing with water is involved in many of the treatments. You can see an obvious shadow / type of Jesus here. Also, we know that the Word of God (the Bible) also cleanses. And, of course, you obviously noticed that anything which could not be cleansed or cured of its mildew or whatever was destroyed by fire! It had to be burned up!


Oh, and in case you were wondering, the answers to those questions were: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the priests, yes, some got to return, yes, yes, burn it, yes, destroy the whole house, yes.

But, we must continue. And there is one more area that was discussed, Uncleanness from various bodily discharges. So, let's look at Chapter 15 and answer a few questions and then we will be finished. Whew.


This chapter also goes into much more detail than we can consider now. Therefore, this will be another big picture type of review. So, do not go into detail concerning the questions that follow. We just want to understand the concept that various bodily discharges, most of which seem to be infectious or related to blood, will result in a person being unclean for various intervals of time.


Uncleanness from various bodily discharges



Well, this chapter also went into much more detail than we have time to consider now. However, one of the important teachings here is that most of the various bodily discharges seemed to be infectious or related to blood and they all resulted in the person with the discharge or those who came in contact with the person or the discharge also becoming unclean for various intervals of time.

Again, there are both spiritual and medical implications to these verses.

Medically, we see many important concepts concerning hygiene and medical therapy, concepts which are still applicable today. Indeed, current Medical knowledge of infectious diseases can now explain many of the WHYs of the time periods required in the period of uncleanness and of the need for cleansing or destruction of the various objects which had come in contact with the bodily discharges. In a word, much of the information in these verses can be understood today to be wise advice to help prevent diseases and infections and to prevent their spreading to others.

Among the spiritual implications, washing with water pictures for us not only the medical procedure of cleansing that can be obtained with physical water, but also the Spiritual cleansing by the water of the Word of God (the Bible). It also pictures, as a shadow, the washing and cleansing from impurity (sin, uncleanness) that Jesus provides.

But why? Why is all this cleansing from bodily discharges, skin leisions, mildew, etc. etc. etc. necessary? Why can't people just come into the presence of God with these illnesses, diseases, and the imperfections that sin produces? And why does God go into such detail telling His people how to be cleansed and restored to holiness? Think about this (you know the answer) and summarize your thoughts in the space below:








Yes, God, being a holy God, can not have unclean things or people in His presence. So, God gives detailed information which, if followed, will help them to avoid becoming unclean. And, if they do become unclean, He has told His people what to do. Also, this pictures, as a shadow, the future ministry of Jesus, the Great Physician. And, this also explains to us why there will be no sickness, no crying, no pain, no sorrow in heaven. Yes, we do have sickness now -- but there will be none in heaven because everyone in heaven will be holy. And God's holy people, in heaven, have no sickness of any kind. Why? Because, at the moment when we are changed, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.... at that moment we are given our new bodies -- and those bodies will be sin free and sickness free! Praise the Lord. We will be really FREE at last in every aspect of the bondages that bind us today. No more emphysema, no more cancer, no more sores, discharges, etc. Jesus, (the Savior, Redeemer, Creator, the Great Physician), will transform our unholy bodies into holy bodies, bodies which can approach and worship a holy God! And, this is part of what is being pictured and shadowed in these rules and regulations.

Wow! Thank you Jesus!

So, even though we see many medical and hygiene related insights and applications in the many rules, laws, and regulations in these 5 chapters of Leviticus (Chapters 11- 15), those are not the main reason these chapters are in the Bible.

Instead, the real reason, the bottom line reason, for all of these many and detailed rules and regulations, is, as we mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, and as you read again in the closing verses of Chapter 15, that God's people must be holy!

The Lord God gave the Israelites and us His "reason" for these rules and regulations when He told Moses:


"You must keep the Israelites separate

from things that make them unclean,

so they will not die in their uncleanness

for defiling my dwelling place, which is among them."


Yes, God is a Holy God and He can only be worshipped by a Holy People. 3500 Years ago, God gave these laws to His people so that they could know the difference between clean and unclean, holy and UNholy, right and wrong.

Today, God is still a Holy God. Today He can still only be worshipped by a Holy (clean) person or people. But today, we don't sacrifice birds or bulls or other the other animals. We don't have to have priests from the Line of Aaron declare us holy after offering various sacrifices and offerings. We don't have to be quarantined for various intervals of time. We don't have to do any of the things that we have been studying in these 15 chapters. Those things were only shadows, types, pictures -- that were pointing us to the real, final, permanent, and only solution for sin and UNcleanness.

Those things were showing us that we are unclean and showing us our need for for a way to be made clean. Those things showed us that a blood sacrifice (death of a substitute) is required to atone for uncleanness (sin, defilement). Those things were showing us that there is a WAY to be cleansed from sin. 3500 years ago, that WAY was pictured, as a shadow, in the various sacrifices required for restoration to holiness.

Now, that WAY is now no longer a type or a shadow or a picture. We now know that the WAY is JESUS!

Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

Jesus is our scapegoat, our sacrificial lamb, the sin bearer upon whom we place our sins.

Jesus paid our death penalty once and for all on the Cross at Calvary, almost 2000 years ago.

Now, because of His death sacrifice for us, as a substitute for us, as atonement for us, our sins (yours, mine, anyone who will accept His free gift of His life in place of our own) can be forgiven and atoned for. We can be made CLEAN, if we will but accept His gift of salvation.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, Lord, and Master, you understand this. You see what these laws and regulations, sacrifices and offerings, and other details were pointing to. They were pointing to Jesus. And you are thanking Him for your Salvation and Cleansing.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your Savior and your substitute, you now should understand that without His blood covering and cleansing you of your sins, you will NEVER be able to worship, fellowship, serve, or be in the presence of God. You will not be able to spend eternity in Heaven with God the Father, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, and with all of His people.

Instead, you will be unclean, unholy, doomed for destruction -- destruction by fire! (And, yes, there is a Hell). God does not want anyone to go to hell, but, there are only 2 places where a person can go after death -- either to heaven or to hell. There is NO third or fourth or other option. There is no reincarnation. There is no purgatory. There is no other option. Heaven or Hell. Which will it be?

Heaven for those who are clean, (holy), cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and Hell for those who are unclean (UNholy), those who have not confessed their sins and asked for and received the cleansing blood of forgiveness.

Heaven or Hell --Which will it be?




If you have not yet accepted Jesus' gift of His death as a substitute sacrifice to pay your sin death penalty and to allow you to become clean (holy), and if you would like to do this, you can right now, right where you are, by praying this prayer:

. Jesus, I know that I am a sinner! I have done so many wrong things, some of which were unintentional, but many of which were just willful disobedience to your Laws! I am so sorry and I ask your forgiveness for doing these things ...

Stop now and name ALL of those sins and specifically confess them individually to God and ask His forgiveness. Agree with God that these are sins and are worthy of your death as punishment. Then, place those sins on Jesus, just as the Israelites placed their sins on the bulls, lambs, goats, or birds and let Jesus' death pay the death penalty for you, just as the Israelites let the animals provide the death penalty payment for them. Take as long a time as you need to do this. Do not rush. Your eternal destiny is at stake!

Thank you, Jesus, for paying the death penalty for me! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! And now, Jesus, I give you my life and ask you to be The Lord of my life. I desire to serve You and You only from this point on. Because You have paid my death penalty and have redeemed me from an eternity in hell and have made me a child in God, the Father's, family to live with Him and You in Heaven forever, I now give you my life and ask you to be my Lord, God, Master, and Savior. I desire to serve, worship, and obey only You now and forever. Amen.





We do hope and pray that you did pray that prayer.


And we will continue this study in lesson 7. And if you prayed that prayer, we will also be looking forward to spending eternity with you in heaven!



Scriptures marked NIV are taken from


Copyright © 1973,1978,1984 International Bible Society.

Used by permission of Zondervan Publishers.



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