Leviticus Lesson 10

© 2000 "Yes Lord" Ministries


Lesson 10



Hi again and welcome back to this next lesson in our study of Leviticus.

If you have been diligently working through this series of lessons (and I know you have), then you are aware that we are now in the second half (division) of this Old Testament book. And, in this division, we are learning what God says about HOW His people are to live (walk) and what they are to do and NOT do as they "walk the walk (life) of _______________ before their Holy God. We are also discovering that this walk (life) is a walk of ________________ from the ___________ . (Hint: if you were unable to fill in those blanks, you can find the answers in several of the previous lessons in this series, including 1,2,6, & 9.)

In Lesson 9, we learned that this walk of holiness is a walk of separation from the world and it has very specific guidelines. Indeed, in that lesson, we discovered that the Jewish people (the Israelites), God's people, were commanded to not eat or drink ___________ .

On the surface and to the uninformed, it may seem to be a strange command (not a suggestion, but a command) to not eat (or drink) blood. But, based on what we (and they) learned in Leviticus about blood and its significance, it is very logical and understandable why God does not want blood, the life of a person or animal, and the very thing that is necessary to provide atonement from sin, to be handled or treated in a casual and dis-respectful manner.

And, in the same way, in this and several of the lessons that follow, we are going to discover even more of the specific and detailed rules, commands, and stipulations that God gives to His people.

Anyway, in Lesson 9, we looked at God's command about not eating (or drinking) blood.

In this lesson, we are going to look at God's specific commands (NOT "suggestions", but commands) concerning sexual relations. Specifically, we are going to discover what is lawful (allowed by God) and what is unlawful (NOT allowed by God). And, if you've never read this chapter of the Bible before, you are probably going to be very suprised at how detailed and specific God is concerning these things.

You will also discover that what God demands in a Holy walk (life) is definitely NOT the way the world walks (lives). I think you will find this to be a very eye-opening lesson.

So, with that said and without further ado, you guessed it -- it is time for an assignment.

So, your assignment now -- is to get your Bible and read Leviticus Chapter 18 (yes only 1 chapter) and, as you read it, circle every occurrence of the words "not" and "no". That's it. That's all you have to do in this assignment. But, as easy as this assignment is, I am sure that you will find this to be very instructive and possibly very convicting. So, stop now and do this assignment and, when you have finished, return here and we'll continue in this study.


<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< Pause while you do this assignment <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><


WOW! Did you see that ! WOW!

God certainly has definite opinions and commands concerning what a person who desires to obey and follow Him can and can NOT do! And, you surely noticed that there is no "wiggle room" in these commands! They are definites! There are no "maybes, no "let's take a vote," no, "let's pass some laws and make things 'ok' and legal". Quite to the contrary -- God is VERY definite and very specific and very serious about these things!

But, someone may ask, "Who is God to be telling us what to do and how to live? Aren't there a lot of gods? And, isn't one god just as good as another? And all the other gods let us do what ever we want; in fact, they even encourage these very things that God is saying to not do! So, why should we listen to the God of the Jews? What is so special about Him? And why is He so restrictive in what He expects of His people?"

Well, to better understand the God Who is giving all these commands to the Israelites (the Jewish Nation, His chosen people) and to everyone else who chooses to obey and serve Him, we need to remember that this is the very same God Who created the world and everything in it. This is the very same God Who created man and all the animals. This is the very same God Who made and chose the Jewish nation (the Israelites) to be His special people. This is the God Who is Holy and, therefore, can not look upon or fellowship with sin in any form or fashion. This is the God Who loves mankind (whom He created) so much that when they sinned, He Himself provided a way to atone for that sin -- and that 'way" was through the death and blood sacrifice of His only Son, The Lord God Jesus Christ.

Yes, this is the God Who is giving these commands and He can do this because He is the One and Only God. Those 'other gods' that the Egyptians, Canaanites, and the other nations worship are not THE HOLY GOD of the Universe. They are either made up gods or they are demons. But, they are NOT God, YHWH, the LORD of the Universe.

And, speaking of YHWH, the LORD God of the Universe, as you read these verses you probably noticed that the word, LORD, was present many times and each time it was written in all caps. And you may have wondered why it was written like this. Well, glad you asked! And that was a very astute and important observation on your part. Indeed, now that you have noticed this, you will begin to notice that it is not only here in chapter 18 of Leviticus. But, also, throughout the entire book of Leviticus, the entire Old Testament and even in many places in the New Testament, the word, LORD is often written in all caps (and sometimes it is written as Lord). And, you know what, there IS a difference between LORD and Lord, even when both terms are used to refer to this same One God!

So, since this word is written many times as LORD in this chapter, we need to know what LORD "means" when written in all caps. And, as you may or may not know, when the word, LORD, is written in all capital letters, it tells us non-Hebrew linguists (experts in languages), that this is a translation of the Hebrew word, YHWH, (JEHOVAH), which is the most awesome and holy of all the names of God.

The LORD God has many names, each of which describes or denotes some specific attribute (such as creator, savior, redeemer, protector, shield, banner, healer, shepherd, etc) and indeed, that is a whole 'nother study in itself, one which we may do sometime in the future. But we don't have time now. (Aren't you tired of hearing that? And do you now see why a person can study the Bible for an entire lifetime and not begin to scratch the surface of what God has revealed to us in His word! Sigh..... anyway, we don't have time...)

But, suffice it to say, LORD = YHWH = JEHOVAH, is the most reverent and Holy name of the LORD God. Indeed this name of God is soooooo holy that Jews will not even pronounce it or write it. In fact, if you've noticed in books, magazines, website pages and etc. in which Jews are writing about God, that they won't even write the name God or LORD or JEHOVAH. Instead, whenever this Hebrew word, YHWH, is the term used to refer to God, they will just write something like G__ or L___ . They are not swearing or cursing when they do this. Rather, they are acknowledging the fact that God, the ONLY God is soooo Holy, that even His name is not to be written or uttered for fear of being disrespectful!

Wow! So, this is the God, the Holy LORD, JEHOVAH, YHWH, Who is giving them these commands.

And, yes, you also astutely noticed that the word LORD is stated several times as He was giving them these commands. But, did you notice how many times? Well, probably not. So, let's find out how many times God reminds them that He is God, the One and Only God, and, as such, has the authority to command that they obey Him in these and other matters.

So, let's do that. Let's find out if God tells them 1, or 2, or 3 or ???? times, Who He is. Again, I think you will be suprised when you see how often, in this one chapter alone, that God reminds them that He has the right and the authority to command these things because He IS God!

So, you guessed it -- another assignment. Re read chapter 18, and this time, as you read, put a circle around or highlight in any color of your choice, every occurrence of the word, LORD (if used alone) or of the phrases "I am the LORD" or "I am the LORD your God" (or whatever wording your Bible translation uses. These are the phrases that the NIV uses.)

OK, that is what you are to do, so stop now and do this assignment. Read thoughtfully. Do not rush. And, when you have finished, return here and we will continue.


<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< Pause while you do this assignment <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><


Well, I see that you are back. And, WOW! In my Bible, in this one chapter, the phrase, "I am the LORD" or "I am the LORD your God", occurred 42 times! WOW!

Obviously, God is repeatedly telling and reminding them, in no uncertain terms, that He, YHWH, JEHOVAH, is the all powerful, Holy, awesome God of the entire universe. Therefore, He also has the right, the authority, and the responsibility (as a loving and Holy God) to dictate to them the do's and don'ts in these, and in ALL matters!

Hmmmmmm. So, we know that the LORD God, YHWH, has the right and the authority to tell them how He expects them to live (walk) in holiness in their sexual lives. And, we have read His specific rules and commands regarding their morality in these matters.

And, it is very obvious that the way that God expects a holy people to live is NOT the way that the rest of the world lives or behaves. Indeed, they are to live in a way that is separate and very different from that practiced and 'approved' and encouraged by the world!

In fact, not once but several times in this one chapter alone, God warns them to NOT live like the world lives. I saw several, you might find more. And sometimes God even told them what He was going to DO to the nations (and, therefore, ultimately also to any and all) who were living (walking) in these UNholy ways.

Let's look at those warnings from God! And a good way to do this is to record God's warnings. So, in the chart below, record the specific words of God as He warned them; and, if there is a punishment mentioned that God also gives concerning those who do these things and who do not repent, record that also. And, this is not the entire list of commands and penalties that God gives. We will find more in chapter 20 and elsewhere in the Bible. But, these are the ones mentioned in chapter 18 and they are definitely worth noting.


The LORD, YHWH, warns His people to NOT live as the pagans do !

Hmmmmm. Very interesting. And God is very serious about what He is telling His people.

But, why? What is so wrong with these various practices and life styles? Why does God NOT want them to live in the ways of the "world"? Well, you saw the answer to this as you read those verses. Look back at Chapter 18, and find out why God is giving these commands to them. For, He did not just tell them what to do and what not to do, He also told them WHY! In fact, He told them many reasons why these things are wrong. When you find the answer (s), write them in the space below, either as a list or as a summary statement. (I did mine in the form of a list, and, to help you see how to do this "assignment", I will show you how I began my list and then you can either continue it or continue by putting the same thoughts in a summary statement form: ).


Why these practices and lifestyles are wrong !

18:4 (and a zillion other places...well about 40 more places where this phrase is used) ...because I am the LORD your God (therefore, I (God) know what is best for you and can tell you what to do)

18:5 ... if you obey them (God's decrees) you will live by them

18:7 ... it dishonors your father ..... she is your mother (this is, therefore, not right)

18:8 ....it dishonors your father

18:10...it would dishonor you

























Hmmmmm. Again, Very interesting.

And, yes, God obviously has very specific commands, but, amazingly, He also often gives very specific reasons why He tells them (and us) to not do the various things detailed in this chapter. How gracious of God to do this -- to not only warn His people of the things that are wrong, but to tell them why these things are wrong.

He could have just "laid down the law", so to speak, without any explanation. That would have definitely been His right and prerogative. After all, He IS GOD! But, God cares so much for His people and for us, that He not only "gave the law" but He told them and us why these stipulations and commands are necessary if one is to walk a life that is separated from the world, a life that is actually usually totally opposite from the way of the world.

And, even though God gave many separate and precise explanations of why they were not to do the various immoral things described in this chapter, still there is one bottom line reason underlying them all.

Hmmmm. One bottom line reason. Hmmmmm.

If you could summarize all the "reasons", given in Chapter 18, into one bottom line sentence or phrase, what would it be? What is this very important "reason" of why they and we are to not do these immoral things? (Write your answer in the space below:)






Yes, there is a bottom line reason why God told His people, and all the other people who were living in the world, then and now, to live in such a specific and holy manner.

And that reason is that God is Holy! And, all of His people, the Israelites, and, indeed, all people in the entire world (including you and me) who desire to worship and serve the One and Only Holy God of the universe must recognize and understand that they ae worshiping and serving an Holy God!

And, why is this important? Why is it important to know that God is Holy? And what difference, if any, would / should this make in the way a person lives and walks before an Holy God? (Think about this and write your answer in the space below.)






Yes, This is important because, as we have already discovered, the only way a person can approach, worship, fellowship, and serve a Holy God is to be forgiven of all sin and then to walk in obedience and holiness before the LORD God.

It is necessary, then, to know what the specific ways to walk in holiness are. That is why God gives these commands here (and elsewhere in the Bible). Indeed, there are many specific commands and details given in this second half of the book of Leviticus which describe the way a holy person is to live (walk) before an Holy God.

But, these commands are not given to put His people or any person in a straight jacket or so that they can't have fun or enjoy life. Instead, God provides these commands for His people and for all who would serve, worship, and fellowship with this Holy God, so that they can approach and worship, fellowship, and serve Him. They are given so that their lives will be holy. They are given because it is ONLY a life lived in holiness and in obedience to God's commands that will be full, complete, joyful, happy, satisfying, fruitful, and a sweet savor to God.

In this lesson, then, we saw that God has very specific commands concerning the morals of His people and we now understand why He gave them. In the next lessons, we will look at even more specifics and commands.

But, before we move on to those next lessons, we need to do one last assignment. And that is to stop all that you are doing. Put down your pencil and pens and markers and quietly reflect on what you have read and written. Ask yourself, am I living in holiness? Am I keeping these commands of God concerning my actions? Or am I sinning before God in one or more of the immoral things that are mentioned in this chapter?

If you are living in disobedience to God's specific commands, what are the consequences going to be, according to what you have read in His Word in Chapter 18? Is He pleased with your actions? Do you need to change the way you are living? Do you need to STOP some of the things you are doing? Do you need to repent of your sins (for these are sins and you know all too clearly from what we have already learned in this study, that unconfessed and unforgiven sin leads to death and eternal separation from God, an eternal separation in Hell, an eternity of pain and suffering and anguish!)

Do you need to repent and confess your sins to God? Do you need to ask forgiveness from God for any sin? If so, stop now and do it! Tell Him what you have done (of course, He already knows, but He is willing and eager to forgive you IF you are willing to confess and turn from your sin and agree with Him that what you have done is wrong and is unholy.) Ask His forgiveness. Receive His forgiveness. And then tell Him that you are willing, indeed it is your desire, that He cleanse you from this sin or these sins and change your heart and mind and attitudes so that you will no longer do these abhorrent repugnant things. Tell Him that you will, from this point on, with His help and direction, live the life, and walk the walk, that is pleasing to Him.

This is why this chapter is in the Bible, so that you might know, so that we all might know, God's heart in these matters and so that, once we know, we will turn from our sin and sinful ways and will OBEY God in every aspect of our life, including this very important area of interpersonal relations and morality.

Spend the rest of the time of this lesson thinking on these things and talking with God. Take all the time you need as this is VERY important. It is, in fact, a matter of life and death -- yours and Christ's!

And, we will continue this study in the next lesson. See you there.




Scriptures unless otherwise marked are taken from

the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright C 1973,1978,1984 International Bible Society.

Used by permission of Zondervan Publishers.


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