Leviticus Lesson 9

© 2000 "Yes Lord" Ministries


Lesson 9



Hi and welcome back again to this study of Leviticus.

In Lessons 1-8, we looked at the first division (part) of Leviticus. And, now, in lesson 9 and through the rest of this Bible study, we are shifting our focus and will be looking at what God tells us as recorded in the second part or division of Leviticus.

As you recall, the two basic parts, into which Leviticus can be divided, are:

Part 1 = Chapters 1-16 = The way a person or nation can approach and worship the Holy God


Part 2 = Chapters 17-27 = The walk of Holiness before God is by separation from the world.

In Part 1, we discovered that it is NOT what WE DO that provides atonement for and salvation from the death penalty of sin, because Jesus did and does everything FOR us! As a result of what Jesus did, those who trust in Jesus for their salvation can approach and worship The Holy God.

Now, as we look at Part 2, we will be discovering that there is a specific way that God intends for His blood-bought (atoned for) people to live. This way is the Walk of Holiness before God and it is very important and essential. Indeed, it is a walk that is very different from that of rest of the world. Chapters 17-27 will give us many precise details concerning that walk.

We will learn that what God's redeemed (atoned for) people do and how they live AFTER atonement (salvation) is very important to God.

God desires for all of His people to live in a certain way -- a Holy Way, a Holy Walk, a walk of separation from the World. That truth was first taught to the Jewish nation in the Old Testament days and is recorded clearly in the laws and commands recorded in many places in the O.T and especially here in the book of Leviticus.

But, just as we saw that much of Leviticus is also a shadow or picture of things to come and of future truths to be revealed, we now readily understand that this Walk of Holiness before God also is applicable and essential for His Children, Christians, believers and followers of Jesus in New Testament days -- that's us, folks.

And, Yes, you are correct, these detailed commands, recorded in Leviticus and elsewhere in the Old Testament, were originally given to God's Chosen people, the Jews, as instructions concerning how to live and what to do (and NOT do).

But, as we have seen all through Leviticus and throughout the Bible, God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Therefore, when God gives specific commands, rules, regulations, instructions, and directions to and for His people, He desires and intends for them to be always obeyed.

Sometimes God's rules are intended to keep them (and us) from trouble; sometimes they are intended to enable them (and us) to have happy and prosperous lives; and sometimes we don't have a clue what God had or has in mind. But, we do know that IF god tells us to do (or NOT do) something, then, we need to obey our Father (God).

When God gives instructions and commands, we are to understand that these are not suggestions. They are commands.

So, with that in mind, let's begin to look at some of the commands which God gave to His people in Chapters 17-27 of the Book of Leviticus. In these chapters, He details specific things that they are to do (and not do) as they walk the walk of Holiness before Him, a walk of separation from the world.

Now, don't panic! We are not going to look at ALL of those chapters in this one lesson. But, we will be looking at all of these chapters in this and the lessons that follow. So, get your Bible, your pens and colored pencils, and let's begin.

And, as usual, let's begin with an assignment.

So, your assignment now, should you choose to accept it, is to read Leviticus Chapter 17 (yes, just one chapter), and as you read, fill in the information requested on the following chart. I will do parts of it for you and you fill in the missing parts.



Commands from God to His People



Hmmmmmm. Very interesting commands and details. And I am sure that you have some questions about all of this. But, before you begin to ask or answer them, let's summarize what this chapter is teaching. Why? Because, IF you understand the topic (theme, the "what's this chapter about"), you will be better able to find the answers to your questions.

So, in a brief summary phrase or statement, state what Chapter 17 is telling the people of God to do or not to do: (Think about what you have read and written and write your answer in the space below.)

Chapter 17 = ________________________________________________________

Yes, if you think this Chapter can be summarized as "Do not eat blood" or "Eating blood is forbidden", or some other similar phrase, you are exactly correct! good observing and good thinking!

But, is this the only place in the Bible where such an admonition (warning, instruction) is given? No! There are several other places where this is also taught. Let's look at a few. (I have printed them here for you or you can turn to these passages in your own Bible.) As you read these verses, underline or highlight in RED (or a color of your choice), the specific command or instruction concerning blood.


Genesis 9:4 "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.

Lev 3:17 "`This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.'"

Lev. 7:26-27 And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal. If anyone eats blood, that person must be cut off from his people.'"

Deut 12:16 But you must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water.

Deut 12:23-25 But be sure you do not eat the blood, because the blood is the life, and you must not eat the life with the meat. You must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water. Do not eat it, so that it may go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is right in the eyes of the LORD.

Deut 15:23 But you must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water.

1 Samuel 14:34 Then he said, "Go out among the men and tell them, `Each of you bring me your cattle and sheep, and slaughter them here and eat them. Do not sin against the LORD by eating meat with blood still in it.'" ...

Acts 15:19-20 "It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.

Interesting! And you will notice that this was not only and Old Testament command. We also found that this was repeated in the New Testament, in the book of Acts, as a command for Christians to also obey!


But why? What is so important about NOT eating blood?


Well, let's think about that! And you will be able to "figure this out for yourself"

First of all, what does blood represent to the creature? Read Lev.17:11 again. Then write that verse here in the space provided:







Now, re-read what you just wrote, and underline in GREEN (or color of your choice) what this verse teaches about the blood and the creature.

Yes, the "life of the creature is in the blood." So, without blood a creature ___________________ .

You may or may not be aware (but if not, you will be after you read the rest of this sentence) that many pagan peoples down through the centuries have tried to preserve, lengthen, or otherwise enhance their lives by eating (or drinking) the blood of a living or recently killed or sacrificed animal! How gruesome, you say, and correctly so. But this was the practice among many of the heathen (pagan) nations and peoples at the time that God gave this command to His people. Indeed and unfortunately, this practice still continues to this very day among some groups and peoples (and even among hunters as a rite of passage), in spite of (or in defiance of) God's command!

Life is a very special and precious gift that God has given to man. It is not, therefore, to be treated lightly. It is also not man's prerogative to try to make, manufacture, or attempt to change or alter life. This is God's realm! God is the creator and sustainer of life. It is God Who decides when life begins and when it ends. Therefore, trying to circumvent God and trying to "do it my way" by eating blood in an attempt to prolong or enhance life, as the pagans often try to do, is strictly forbidden, no "ifs, ands, or buts" about it.

But, there is also another reason why God forbids the eating of blood.

Re-read Leviticus 17:11, and this time, underline or highlight in RED (or color of your choice) what the purpose of blood is (as a picture or shadow.)


<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< Pause while you do this <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><


Yes, you are soooooo correct if you underlined the phrase, in verse 11.

" For the life of a creature is in the blood,

and I (God) have given it (the blood) to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. "


Wow! If you stop and think about that, it is very awesome and very profound!

So, let's think about that. And let's see what God is telling us about blood and about atonement.

As you know, everyone (except Jesus) who has lived, including and since the time of Adam, is a sinner because everyone has the sin nature which he or she inherited from Adam. And, with and because of that sin nature, all mankind (everyone, including you and I) sinned personally also. You might think of this as piling sins upon sin.

And what is the result of sin? Well, Romans 6:23 tells us in no uncertain terms. Read that passage (I have printed it here for you) and underline in BLACK what the punishment (penalty) for sin is:

Romans 6:23.

For the wages of sin is death,

but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And, we have discovered that, unless that sin penalty is paid for by the blood sacrifice of an innocent person, then there is no hope, because we will have to die because or our sins.

So, what to do?

Well, let's re-read that verse (Romans 6:23), and, this time, as you read it, IF you see the answer (the solution) to this problem, then underline or highlight it in GREEN (or a color of your choice).

Wow! Yes, the wages of sin is death, BUT, Praise the Lord, there is an answer, there is a solution. And, God, Himself provided the solution for us ... the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And HOW did Jesus Christ provide this Gift? Well, all of Leviticus and especially 17:11 has been telling us. For, it is teaching us that the purpose of "blood is to make __________________ for one's life"


And, as you recall from our study of Leviticus, almost every sacrifice involved blood obtained from the death of a substitute sacrificial victim. Then that blood was carefully and reverently smeared on the altar or within the Tabernacle (and later in the Temple) according to the precise directions of God.

The New Testament Book of Hebrews also reminds us of this. Read Hebrews 9:22 (printed here for you) and underline in RED what this verse tells us about the purpose of blood and how to obtain forgiveness for sin.

Hebrews 9:22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.


Ok! Now let's (gasp) THINK and draw some conclusions.

You will recall that earlier in this lesson we wondered "What is so important about NOT eating Blood? And, we said that you would be able to figure this out for yourself. Well, now it is time to "figure this out" and draw our conclusions.

So let's think about what you have read in Leviticus 17 and in the other scriptures we've read.

And, as you think and to help you in your understanding, answer the following questions. (If you are not sure about some of these answers, refer back to lessons 7 & 8 where we covered some of these things.)

Put a check mark by or a circle around the letter of each correct answer. There is only one correct answer for each question.

1. What did God Say about eating blood?

a. It is OK, you can do it.

b. Don't even think about it. It is forbidden.

2. What does blood represent to an animal or person?

a. The life of the creature is in the blood

b. it is just another body fluid with no special significance.

3. If a person sins, what is the penalty for sin? (Hint see Romans 6:23)

a. NONE. God doesn't really care about sin. In fact, there isn't even a God. And, since there is no God, there is no sin. So everything is OK. If I want to do anything, I can do it; there are NO ultimate consequences.

b. DEATH. There IS a God and He is Holy and Holiness requires that sin be either punished by death or be forgiven. There is no third option. It is sin -- and die and go to Hell forever -- or be forgiven (atoned for) and escape the death penalty and live forever with God in His Kingdom.

4. The death penalty for sin can only be paid by .....

a. No One (in which case you are dead in your sins and can not live eternally in heaven with God but will be cast into an eternal hell.)

b. The Blood sacrifice of an innocent sinless substitute (that takes your sins and dies in your place to pay your sin penalty for you).

c. Doing lots and lots of good deeds and works, including being sincere in all that you do, being kind, not hurting people, going to church all the time, doing more good things than bad things so that when God weighs your works on His scale, the good will weigh more and He will say, "OK, you did 'good. come on into My kingdom."

5. Blood is a picture of and necessary for ...

a. food and nutrition (so can have a strong healthy life of 80, 90, 100, or more years)

b. atonement from sin and for salvation (so can be saved from having to pay the death penalty wages of sin)

6. Who or what is the ONLY offering or substitute sacrifice that God will accept to atone for the sins of a person (Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, young or old, you or me)

a. blood of bulls, goats, birds

b. the blood out of a turnip

c. the good works, hopes, prayers, gifts, etc. of a sincere person

d. the death and blood sacrifice of the Holy and sinless Lord God Jesus Christ

7. As recorded in Leviticus, in the Old Testament times, where was the blood taken after the sacrifice of the innocent substitute to atone for the sins of the people?

a. it was poured out on the ground by a fast flowing river

b. it was thrown on the trash heap

c. it was taken through the veil and into the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle / Temple where it was presented to God as the offering of atonement for sins.

8. Who, in Old Testament times, took the blood through the veil and into the Most Holy Place and what did he do with it?

a. Anyone could take the blood anywhere and do anything they wanted with it as long as they were sincere.

b. Anyone from the tribe of Levi could take it and place it around the edge of the tabernacle / temple

c. The High Priest took it and sprinkled it upon the Atonement cover of the Ark of the Covenant (which was in the Most Holy Place)

9. Who does the High Priest, in the Book of Leviticus and in the Old Testament, represent (picture, shadow)?

a. No one, he is just the Jewish High Priest.

b. Anyone who is better than I am.

c. The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and God Himself, Who came to earth to be the perfect sinless atoning substitute sacrifice for sin.

10. Who or what does the veil (curtain) that separates sinful man from Holy God represent or picture? (Hint, read Hebrews 10:19-20)

a. a beautiful partition between 2 rooms

b. the works and deeds that I have to do in order to earn entrance into heaven.

c. the body of Jesus

11. Who or what does the blood of the Old Testament sacrificial animals represent or picture?

a. Nothing, it's just blood. Water, oil, or anything else including money, good works, faithful church attendance, etc .is also OK to God as an atonement for sin.

b. the blood of Jesus which is the only acceptable substitute atoning sacrifice for sin.

Ok! You have thought! You have reviewed. And your answers to those 11 Questions were (or should have been): 1 b; 2 a; 3 b; 4 b; 5 b; 6 d; 7 c; 8 c; 9 c; 10 c; 11 b.

Now, based on what you've considered, in the space below, write what you would say to a person who asked you: "What is so important about not eating blood? Why does the Bible say that? Is there any particular reason or is God just afraid it might make us sick or that it is gruesome and yukky?"















Yes, you are so correct!

This command to not eat blood has nothing to do with disease and illness. But, it has everything to do with the fact that the blood, shed in the OT Sacrifices, pictures for us the Holy sacred blood of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, Who paid the death penalty for sin for any and all who accept His atoning substitute sacrifice. Without blood, without Jesus' blood, there is no forgiveness of sin, no atonement, no salvation, no eternal life.

Eating blood is forbidden because blood (the life is in the blood) must be treated with respect. Only God can create life and God has said that the life of the creature is in the blood. He has also told us that it is only by blood (the life of the creature) that there can be atonement for sin.

Blood is a picture of life. Jesus' blood is required to atone for sins. Therefore, blood is not to be handled casualty. It is not to be treated disrespectfully. It is not to be eaten as common food. Any treating of blood disrespectfully, by not recognizing and acknowledging that it is a picture or shadow of the precious blood of our Savior (redeemer, atoner) Jesus Christ, is to trample under foot the very Person and the only work that is acceptable to God to atone for sins --the work of Jesus' substitute death.

The blood of the Old Testament sacrifices pictures and points to the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus. And it is the blood of Jesus which provides the final and the only way to obtain eternal redemption.

The bottom line is that everyone is a sinner. Everyone needs to have their sins atoned for.

Blood is given so that sin may be atoned for and so that the sinner may have life.

The Blood of Jesus Christ was prophesied and pictured in the sacrifices whch were observed from the time of Leviticus until 70 AD, when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and the animal sacrifices ceased. In reality, however, the need for the blood sacrifices of animals ceased when Jesus died on the cross (in about 32 AD, give or take a year or two). From that time on there was no need for the repeated animal sacrifices to be done. They had only served as shadows of the One Who was to come with the final sacrifice, Jesus and His blood sacrifice!

As we end this lesson, think about these things. And, ask yourself, have you accepted Jesus' offer to let His life and blood atone for (redeem you from) your sins?

If you have, stop now and thank Him once again for what He has done.

If you have not, why not accept that gift now?

And, tell everyone you meet about this wonderful gift of Jesus' blood and of what it purchased -- eternal salvation for any and all who will receive His gift of His life as a substitute for you, for me, for anyone who will lay their sins upon Jesus and let Him bear them and pay the required death penalty for them.




Scriptures unless otherwise marked are taken from

the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright C 1973,1978,1984 International Bible Society.

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