
UNIV 2016

"Family Impact"

UNIV is a project of Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria or ICU. Since 1968, ICU has provided students with cultural encounters & activities to delve more deeply into important matters relevant to the university, highlighting particularly the spirit of service towards those who are most in need.


UNIV 2016 aims to provide a profound reflection on the importance of family, considering that it is not just the basic unit of society: it is the foundation and model of all social life. Societies ought to become each day more like unto families –places of encounter and solidarity that have learned to overcome individualism as a way to solve problems.



50 years of youth and great horizons

Youthful and international, each year UNIV Congress draws thousands of university students from the five continents to Rome. They come to expand their horizons, exchange ideas and constructively reflect on the most important issues for today’s youth and society.

UNIV began in 1968 with this objective: to annually offer a profound experience to roughly 3000 young people, where their ideas can come to life and grow, all in the context of Rome’s cultural, spiritual and artistic heritage.

Year after year, our students have met and listened to the protagonists of diverse areas of culture as well as those who can testify to and explain the challenges facing our society.


General Topics

- New attitudes that benefit the family. Greater involvement of parents in the education of their children; better understanding of families with disabled persons in their care; growing prestige of companies who facilitate a balance between the professional and family life of their employees, etc.

- An Assessment of the Family, between the 19th and the 21st centuries. Industrialization, decrease in the mortality rate, influence of feminism, individualism, consumerism, the emancipation of women, changes in the ways of understanding sexuality, “deinstitutionalization” of marriage.

- Marriage and Christian marriage: similarities and differences. The importance of stability in marriage. Family problems. Marriage as a contract and marriage as a sacrament.

- Family and the Christian witness. The role of the family in the new evangelization. Family virtues. The family as the building block of society.

- The education of children and the footprint of the family: New methods, new proposals. “Please, Thank you and I am sorry”: 3 key ideas in Pope Francis' message to families.

- Social factors which influence family dynamics: Media and social networks; Long work hours; The social impact of pornography; Job insecurity; Expensive housing; The phenomenon of migration; Poverty.

- Family and the dictatorship of the politically correct: Public discourse on the family.

- Social, economic and educational consequences of single-parent and dysfunctional families.

- Chastity and commitment: The drama of infidelity. Engagement: a commitment. Rediscovering the beauty of fidelity, the heroism of sacrificing for love.

- Girls and boys in school: Methods in educating boys and girls. The debate on single-sex education. Defending the education of your children from gender ideology.

- Demographics and the family: From Malthus to the European demographic problem. Politics on family and birth assistance. Large families.

- Family and work: How to strike a balance: tips and advice. Do heroic parents exist? Parents without time, children without parents.

- Abortion is always a drama. Proposals to resolve the drama from the point of view of mediation, politics and society.


For more details/info, go to:



For UNIV Philippines, the following are my suggestions:

UNIV and Family

    • "Familiaris Consortio”: Permanent Source for Ideas on and about the FAMILY

    • Family, Education, and the Principle of Subsidiarity: Specific Cases in Country XX

    • Christian Influence on the Family: An Historical Review and Analysis

    • Home-School Collaboration: Challenges and Recommendations

    • Christian Education within the Family: Role of Parents, Response of Children

    • In Defense of Life and of Family: Analyses and Strategies

    • Violence and Vices in the Family: Analysis and Proposed Solutions

    • Family Unity: The Influence of the Christian Perspective on Marriage

    • The Complementarity of Man and Woman

    • Family/Marriage in Films/Artworks/Music/Poetry: Content Analysis, Critique, and Proposals [example below]

    • Families: Stand Up To 'Ideological Colonizations'!


Suggested resources/sites/materials:

Family Research Council (Patrick Fagan, et al.):


CBCP Pro-Life page:


National Organization for Marriage (Brian Brown, et al.):


and its corresponding blog:


Ruth Institute (Jennifer Roback Morse, et al.):


and its corresponding blog:


LifeNews (Steven Ertelt, et al.):


and its mirror site:


The Heritage Foundation:


Marriage materials from U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:


and its “Marriage: Made for a Reason” (Gender Identity) dedicated site:


Love and Fidelity Network (many helpful lectures/videos):


Family and Media site (recommended by www.pusc.it):


New video program called "Beloved” by Augustine Institute:


Colloquium “Humanum: The Complementarity of Man and Woman”:

a) Comment by CatholicVoices.org:


b) Humanum Web site:


c) YouTube video series by “Humanum”:


CatholicVoices (Austen Ivereigh, Jack Valero):


The Truth About Human Love – Orientations on Conjugal Love, Gender Ideology and Family Legislation:


Viva el matrimonio! Viva la familia! Viva UNIV!


Any queries? Send me email:




A marriage preparation course via scenes from Pixar's "UP" (Carl & Ellie) :-) brought to you by gudnius.com



Academy Award-nominated film Head Over Heels by Tim Reckart is ONLINE!

MercatorNet.com article:

"And the metaphor is not only about drifting apart from a loved one, but also about a failure to communicate with someone who has a different point of view. ... This is a film about people who see the world differently but still find a way to live together. I've also been struck how well the film has played to international audiences. ... " Tim Reckart.
