
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fall Term 2018

Fulbright Advanced Research & University Lecturing Program

I am very fortunate to have been granted the Fulbright scholarship (officially "Advanced Research and Lecturing Program") for work at a U.S. institution for the Fall Term (Sept. - Dec.) 2018. My host institution is New York Institute of Technology (see above), thanks to Dean Jess Boronico!


On November 17-20, I had the luck to make a Conference presentation at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting/conference, held at the Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado!

For my blog on the Denver experience, click HERE.


I also got an invitation to speak about my chapter in the textbook: "Business Ethics: A Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach" at the New School in New York:



Finally, I was one of the presenters at the Faculty Research Forum at NYIT's DeSeversky Mansion on December 14, 2018 :-)

NYIT DeSeversky Mansion



As for daily Mass, unless I was coming to Manhattan, I'd walk to the Blessed Sacrament Church in Valley Stream, NY:


The days I'd come to Manhattan, specifically to the NYIT Manhattan Campus, I'd hear the 12:10PM Mass here at the Church of St Paul the Apostle:

And since Fordham University (Manhattan campus) is just right beside it, I made sure to ring my friend Michael Pirson who teaches at its Gabelli School of Business and is the creator of the Humanistic Management association.

I had the privilege of sitting in on one of his classes, where students where made to present their "pitch to Larry Fink" (after presenting earlier to the class Fink's renowned "Letter to CEOs") and defend it on the basis of its unique SOCIAL selling proposition.


Parish Church - St Boniface:

Website --> http://www.saintbonifaceelmont.com/
