

Theme: “Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests.”

One of the aims: "Highlight the role and mission of the clergy in the Church and in modern society."

Using St. Josemaría’s homily A Priest Forever as “root outline”, a possible Site Map could be as follows:

Why be a Priest?

╚ The calling to the Priesthood

╚ “Human qualities”

╚ Formation “from young”, training in the Home…

╚ (cf. Pastores Dabo Vobis, no. 3)

╚ etc. etc.

╚ Supernatural dimension: Its nature as a Divine call

╚ God is He who calls

╚ Demands

╚ etc. etc.

╚ The Life of the Priest

╚ Priestly Celibacy

╚ etc. etc. --> insert here the suggestions related to Priestly Life

Priests and Laity in intimate union

╚ The meaning of Ecclesia (community, harmony, unity…)

╚ Shepherds according to the Heart of Christ

╚ etc. etc.

The Dignity of the Priesthood

╚ The only/unique Priesthood of Christ (cf. CCC, 1544-1553)

╚ The exercise of the “tria munera”

╚ To teach

╚ To rule

╚ To govern

Common Priesthood and Ministerial Priesthood:

╚ Common Priesthood:

╚ Priesthood of all the baptized: meaning, ramifications…

╚ etc. etc.

╚ Ministerial Priesthood:

╚ The Sacrament of Holy Orders: Sacrament of apostolic ministry.

╚ The Three Degrees of Holy Orders: Diaconate, Presbyterate, Episcopate.

╚ etc. etc.

The Priest for the Mass: The Priesthood and the Eucharist:

╚ cf.

╚ etc. etc.

Priest Forever (cf. Pastores Dabo Vobis, no. 2)

╚ The Centrality of Jesus Christ

╚ Obedience, “Fiat”, Trust

╚ Prayers for Priests:

Let's talk: