SVN Conversion

Mercurial has built-in converter for a range of other repositories.

Accepted source formats [identifiers]:

- Mercurial [hg]

- CVS [cvs]

- Darcs [darcs]

- git [git]

- Subversion [svn]

- Monotone [mtn]

- GNU Arch [gnuarch]

- Bazaar [bzr]

- Perforce [p4]

Accepted destination formats [identifiers]:

- Mercurial [hg]

- Subversion [svn] (history on branches is not preserved)


To enable the extension do the following steps:

1) Open C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\Mercurial.ini

2) Search for the line that begins with


3) Below it you'll see a list of keywords, commented out with a semicolon (;) on each line

4) Find the line that says

;convert =

and delete the semicolon so it reads

convert =

5) Open the command prompt and navigate to the directory that you'd like the new hg folder created in (the process will create a new folder called yoursvnreponame-hg in the directory that the command prompt is open to).

6) Use this command

hg convert <url>


Running the conversion for SVN repositories is simple.

- Open a command prompt in the folder where you want to create the new (converted) repository directory.

- run

hg convert <url to SVN repository>

example: hg convert http://devsource:30000/svn/Documentation

This will create Documentation-hg directory that is a converted bare repository.