Cross-Cutting Concerns

For ITIL version of these issues, see Service Design technology-related activities.

Definition of cross-cutting concerns (link). Cross cutting concerns are handled by employing proper architectural principles.

Architectural Principles for Handling these Concerns are described in OO Design Principles. ITIL processes are on the ITIL page.


Capacity management and utilization.

Ease of Use

The system needs to be intuitive and easy to use.


System needs to easily integrate with other systems.

Mitigation: use of standard protocols and formats.


System needs to be easy and simple to maintain.


Performance has to be good enough for users to do their work.

Mitigation: performance testing and system profiling.


Software system has to be able to scale with the increasing demand.

Generally, there are two types of scaling:

    1. Scaling Up, and
    2. Scaling Out

As of late, strategies for scaling-out are becoming more popular and easier to implement. Scaling-out is parallelizing processing instead of increasing any single parameter of the monolithic system or environment (which is scaling up).


Security is generally described in two contexts:

    • Authentication, and
    • Authorization

Authentication means that every system should be able to authenticate users with secure credentials. This effectively identifies users accessing the system.

Authorization means assigning certain access rights to the users, once they are authenticated. System should be configurable to allow access to certain functions to roles/groups of users.

Also see Security software section.


Under Viscosity I place all the "elements of the rotting design" as defined in Design Principles and Design Patterns. Symptoms of rotting design are: Rigidity, Fragility, Immobility, and Viscosity. See text for description.


    • Code viscosity (link)
    • Dino Esposito, "Architecting Applications for the Enterprise".
    • Robert C. Martin,, Design Principles and Design Patterns text (link).