

To install TortoiseGit, first install Git separately.


Setting proxy server for Git - see here. Setting environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy worked for me.



Git can be used as an SVN client.

The easiest way to checkout an SVN repository is to use TortoiseGit. There is an option to clone a repository from SVN.

If you are using authenticated repositories, simply add your username to the repository URL in the form


If you prefer to do it manually, follow the instructions below.

To prepare for checking out the SVN repository first create a folder on the local machine into which the repository will be checked out (i.e. C:\SVN\Documentation).

Start a Git Bash in the created directory. To checkout an SVN repository use the following commands:

git svn init <path to repo>
git svn fetch

This will checkout the SVN repository to the current directory.

Useful parameters that can be used are

"-T" indicates that the checkout is from trunk;

"-t" indicates that the checkout is from tags directory;

"-b" indicates that the checkout is from branches directory;

"-s" indicates that the repository follows standard layout.

Once you are done with changes, do the following:

Synchronize your repository with SVN repository (effectively, this is SVN update)

git svn rebase

Then commit your changes to the SVN repository with

git svn dcommit


List of commands (link). Project page (link).

To install, pull the repository from Github, run "msbuild GitTfs.sln /p:Configuration=Vs2010_Debug" to build, then add the build output path (bin\debug) to the PATH environmental variable.

    • Clone (check-out a project)

Quick Clone just checks out the tip revision:

git tfs quick-clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project

full clone gives you the whole history of the branch:

git tfs clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project
    • Update from TFS
git tfs fetch
git rebase tfs/default

set alias in .gitconfig

tpull = !git tfs fetch && git rebase tfs/default
    • Check-in to TFS visually
git tfs checkintool

and check-in in console:

git tfs checkin

Notes:Set ignore settings in ".git/info/exclude" instead of creating .gitignore file.


Git Cheat Sheet (link)