

Our world is full of plastic bags and plastic wrapping.

Your task is to find creative, fun ways of recycling plastics bags to reduce and recycle.

Here are some websites to help your with your ideas.

Pollution and Waste

When we dump rubbish at the tip (landfill) polluting greenhouse gases (methane) are released. This happens when food and green waste rots under mountains of other rubbish. This puts more energy into our atmosphere and is starting to affect our climate. For every wheelie bin we fill at school and home there are another 70 wheelie bins full of waste that we never see. It’s already been tossed out before it gets to us. How can we create less waste? Watch the video and click on the pictures to take you to further information.

When you throw away your chip packet, where does it go?

What is Sustainability?
Uno's Garden by Graeme Base